Brussels Liaison Office to the European Union

UNEP Brussels Office  

Established in April 2001, the Brussels Office works closely with the European Union (EU) institutions to increase policy dialogue and build strategic partnerships that fulfil the organizations’ shared goals. 

The Brussels Office promotes and facilitates cooperation between UNEP and key EU Institutions, stakeholders and major groups on relevant political processes such as the UN Environment Assembly (UNEA), the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda, the regional environment ministerial fora and Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEAs). 

UNEP has a strong and long-standing partnership with the European Commission both on a policy level, and on programmatic cooperation, based on a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) and its annex. The Office also has close working relations with the European External Actions Service, the European Parliament, the Council of the European Union and the EU Presidency. The team also cooperates with the European Economic and Social Committee, the Committee of the Regions, the Joint Research Centre, the European Investment Bank, the European Environmental Agency and other institutions and stakeholders based in Brussels. 

The Team in Brussels further supports overall UNEP efforts to raise public awareness on environmental issues. It regularly organises or contributes to discussions and events, bringing UNEP perspectives and expertise to the table, and coordinates UNEP contributions to major EU events, including the annual EU Green Week.  

Within the wider team of UN agencies in Brussels, UNEP is focal point for environment and climate change and coordinates joint engagement on the European Green Deal. The Brussels Office also contributes to joint UN advocacy and outreach initiatives, such as the yearly local celebrations of World Environment Day (5 June), the United Nations Day (24 October), and Ciné-ONU film screenings. 

Through its Brussels-focused newsletter, UNEP Connect, the Office keeps readers informed about activities in Brussels and more generally UNEP’s work worldwide. You can join our mailing list here.  

Since April 2019, the Office has been headed by Veronika Hunt Šafránková. 


Contact Us : 

Address : UN House, Boulevard du Régent 37-40, 1000 Brussels, Belgium. 

Tel: +32 2 - 213 30 50; unep-brussels@un.org  



The European Commission and UNEP Strengthen Cooperation in Renewed Memorandum of Understanding 

UNEP Brussels Group ‘Environment for Development’ on Capacity4dev, the European Commission’s knowledge sharing platform for International Cooperation and Development


Last updated: 07 Nov 2024, 09:24