UNEP recognizes the importance of engaging Majors Groups and other Stakeholders (MGS) as partners and appreciates the perspectives they bring to the table, the valuable research and advocacy functions they perform, and their role in helping foster long-term, broad-based support for UNEP’s mission.
Intergovernmental decisions will have stronger and broader recognition and support by the public if governments take Major Groups and other Stakeholders views into account as early as possible in policy-making and decision-making processes. Major Groups and other Stakeholders also play a direct role in the formation of policy as researchers, think-tanks, and watchdogs, or through advocacy.
Accredited observers from MGS are invited to provide comments and perspectives to policy documents, to preparer inputs through the Regional Consultative Meetings to the Regional Forum of Ministers, as well as to hold intersessional online meetings on a variety of issues. They also provide statements and their perspectives and priorities are considered in the global reflections for the UN Environmental Assembly (UNEA)..
UNEP´s Latin America and Caribbean Office organizes regularly the Regional Forum of Civil Society and Major Groups for Latin American and the Caribbean, which allows the representatives from civil society and other groups to provide their inputs to the Forum of Ministers of Environment and to UNEA.
Regional Civil Society Facilitators for Latin America and the Caribbean
Xiomara Acevedo, Regional Facilitator for Civil Society
xio.acevedo@gmail.comMaster in Leadership and Conservation from the University of Cambridge. Specialized in climate change, cities and leadership from FLACSO University. CEO and Founder of the Barraquilla+20 Foundation. Social Leader, Internationalist.
Alejandro Luque, Regional Facilitator for Civil Society
alejo.luque2003@gmail.comSpecialized in environmental law. Consultant and Visual Communicator. Member of the Sustainability Club of the Espíritu Santo University.
List of accredited organizations
You can search UNEP´s database by filtering for the Latin America and Caribbean region:
Past Forums of Civil Society and Major Groups
Report of the Regional Forum of Major Groups and Civil Society in 2021