19 February 2021 Assessment

GEO-6 for Youth

Authors: UNEP
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Read UNEP's first fully interactive e-publication, GEO-6 for Youth, written by youth for youth to inform, engage, educate, and lead youth towards environmental action.

GEO-6 for Youth is a one-stop-shop for a young person to understand the state of the environment, what they can do every day to drive markets to adopt environmentally sustainable products and services and how to develop their skills and choose environmentally sustainable careers. The report provides background to help understand the issues, but most importantly shows how youth have the power to bring about transformative change for the environment. GEO-6 for Youth is UNEP’s first fully interactive e-publication and provides engaging multimedia content and interactive features to inform, engage, educate, and lead to youth action. Several case studies and interviews appear in the report, including small-scale, community-led projects and individual guides to developing the appropriate skills for green jobs and daily sustainable actions. A gender and geographically balanced team of 28 young authors from across the world worked on the report using the GEO’s co-creation model.

For more on the GEO-6 for Youth process, click here.

  The report aims to:

  1. Translate high-level, scientific messages on the state of the environment for a youth audience (ages 15 to 24),
  2. Define how youth can bring about transformational change by creating and accessing environmentally sustainable jobs,
  3. Identify daily sustainability actions that can change market dynamics to achieve an environmentally sustainable world by 2050.

How can you access the App version?

  1. Download the UNEP publications app using the Android or iOS links.
  2. Once the application has opened, navigate to the 'Editions' icon using the menu icon on Android or the 'Editions' bottom tab on iOS. Search for the 'GEO-6 for Youth Publication.' It will also be found on the front page. 
  3. Open or download the publication (50 MB).
  4. Open the 'UNEP GEO for Youth' publication in landscape mode for best viewing.

If you have any questions, concerns or having trouble with accessing the publication or the app, please contact sharif.shawky@un.org.

This project is co-funded by the European Union



GEO-6 for Youth: Your Career, Our Future

GEO-6 for Youth suggests that young people today – who make up one-sixth of the global population – can help bring about a sustainable future by making deliberate choices in their everyday lives. 

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