Other evaluation reports/documents

Independent Assessment of Closed Projects Under the Special Programme

15 January 2023
Independent Assessment of Closed Projects Under the Special Programme

The Secretariat made arrangements to undertake an assessment of the closed projects under the Special Programme presented in this report. The aim of this exercise was to take stock of what had worked well and identify what could have been improved in the projects. The exercise would also retroactively assess the results of these earlier projects against the core indicators that had been adopted by the Board. The findings and recommendations of this exercise would feed into the Special Programme Secretariat’s future work.

For more information, please download the factsheet Lessons Learned: Independent Assessment of the Closed Projects under the Special Programme Report.

Each project factsheet "Independent Assessment of the Closed Project under the Special Programme Report" are also available for download: Argentina - Belarus - Benin - China - Dominican Republic - Iraq - Kyrgyzstan - Republic of Moldova - Serbia - Republic of Tanzania - Uganda