
Cooler Finance: Mobilizing Investment for the Developing World’s Sustainable Cooling Needs

25 September 2024
Cover of the "Cooler Finance" report titled "Mobilizing Investment for the Developing World’s Sustainable Cooling Needs," featuring abstract illustrations of cooling technologies and symbolises mobilzing finance.

The IFC and UNEP-led Cool Coalition joint report, Cooler Finance: Mobilizing Investment for the Developing World’s Sustainable Cooling Needs, identifies numerous private investment opportunities across different segments of the cooling market, including space cooling, refrigeration, cold chains, and transport. Critically, it also highlights the need to increase the adoption of passive cooling strategies.

The report provides a blueprint for financing sustainable cooling with an emphasis on mobilizing private investment. Sustainable cooling technologies are accessible, affordable, and scalable and minimize environmental impact, aiming for near-zero emissions cooling by 2050 through increasing the use of passive strategies for cooling, raising energy efficiency standards and rules for cooling equipment, and accelerating the phasing down of highly polluting refrigerants.