The Asia-Pacific Climate Change Adaptation Forum (APAN Forum) is the flagship event of the APAN Secretariat. It is the primary regional platform for adaptation practitioners to meet, share their learning and experiences, and work together toward the pertinent outcomes and practical solutions needed to address the challenges of climate change. 

With varying themes of focus, the APAN Forum has been hosted and sponsored by different governments and organisations since 2010. It is a space for scientists, financing institutions, youth, civil society, international organisations, the private sector and government representatives from various ministries to exchange ideas, knowledge, learn from one another and work together for greater partnerships for adaptation action. 

The latest iteration is the 8th APAN Forum held in Songdo Convensia, Incheon City, Republic of Korea hosted by the Ministry of the Environment – Korea, co-organised by the Korea Adaptation Centre for Climate Change, Korea Environment Institute, Metropolitan City of Incheon, with generous support from the Ministry of the Environment – Japan. 

Forum Objectives:

  • Improve the knowledge and understanding of key climate change adaptation issues, approaches and strategies including relevant policies and mandates from regional and global MEAs. These will serve as inputs in climate change adaptation planning. 
  • Report on specific actions taken and the progress made since the last APAN Forum on addressing the identified priority knowledge, policy and funding gaps. 
  • Act as a platform for discussions to accelerate action and facilitate the “how” part of adaptation knowledge and programmes with actionable and scalable “next steps” guidelines for communities, stakeholders and governments. 
  • Formulate a set of recommendations on how to expand current efforts on adaptation in the Asia-Pacific region and provide the basis for the region’s contributions to relevant COPs and other global and regional adaptation initiatives. 

Previous APAN Fora: