Project Title

Implementing NAPA priority interventions to build resilience in the most vulnerable coastal zones in Djibouti

Project factsheet

Key Figures:

  • Budget: USD 2.07 million (Co-finance USD 2.4 million)
  • Executing Entity: Ministry of Urbanism, Habitat and Environment (MHUE)
  • Area to rehabilitate: 

    Damerjog - Watersheds and wadi shores via the construction of three micro-dams. 

    Khor Angar – 4 nurseries in operation, growing more than 10,000 seedlings. 40,000 mangrove trees planted over 15 ha.
  • Fund: Least Developed Countries Fund
  • Project sites: Khor Angar and Damerjog
  • Timeframe: 2010-2017


In Djibouti, UN Environment together with the Ministry of Urbanism, Habitat and Environment and partners are helping people living near coastal ecosystems to adapt to desertification and the threats posed by more unpredictable weather patterns. To combat rising temperatures and sea levels, the project is supporting communities to plant, protect and rehabilitate mangrove forests, which provide natural flood defenses. To help fishing communities cope with reduced fish stocks, the project is providing them with better equipment and training on climate forecasting. It is also helping to prevent seawater intrusion into farms and wells by building barriers and irrigation systems.

This project was developed to implement the priorities identified in the country’s National Adaptation Programme of Action (NAPA) to climate change. The goal was to implement a set of urgent measures that strengthen the capacity to predict future changes, while helping local populations to adapt to climate change through the adoption of more sustainable production methods, particularly in the areas of water management, agriculture, fisheries and tourism.

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