Project Title
Catalysing ecosystem restoration for resilient natural capital and rural livelihoods in degraded forests and rangelands of Nepal
Key Figures
- Budget: $5.2 million (+ $11 million in cofinancing)
- Executing entity: Ministry of Forests & Environment
- Area rehabilitated: 1,450 hectares of forests and rangelands
- Beneficiaries: 57,170 individuals
- Fund: Global Environment Facility
- Timeframe: 2019-2022
Nepal is a landlocked country in South Asia with a population of around 30 million. Climate change has been threatening the quality and quantity of water supplies in the country. This project is increasing the capacity of the government and local communities to use Ecosystem-based Adaptation (EbA) to adapt to climate change in forests and rangelands in mid-hill and high mountain areas of Nepal.
The project’s main approaches include: restoring forest and rangeland ecosystems to protect communities from climate impacts; strengthening the technical capacity of Nepal’s institutions to implement EbA; mainstreaming EbA into national policy; constructing infrastructure for water conservation; and introducing alternative livelihoods.
Media & Resources
- Story: On Nepal’s slopes, villages brace for a worsening monsoon
- Video: Nepal’s race against the monsoon
- Project Factsheet
- Publication: A Decade of Ecosystem-based Adaptation: Lessons From the UN Environment Programme
- GEF webpage
- Project Document
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