Ecosystem-based Adaptation in Tanzania

Project Title

Developing core capacity to address adaptation to climate change in productive coastal zones

Project factsheet

Key Figures

  • Budget: USD 3.35 million (Co-finance: USD 67.88 million)
  • Executing Entity: Vice President’s Office, Government of Tanzania
  • Area to rehabilitate: 3,240 hectares of mangroves and other coastal vegetation
  • Beneficiaries: 26,000 people
  • Fund: Least Developed Countries Fund
  • Timeframe: 2012-2017


The project aims to help Tanzania to implement a set of urgent adaptation needs, particularly along the coasts, while also addressing remaining institutional gaps for adaptation. The main technical assistance activities include training on livelihood planning, vulnerability assessments, revision of land use policies to integrate climate adaptation, strengthening of civil society and community organizations’ capacity on climate change activities, support to curriculum development, and provision of internship programs. Project investments include mangrove restoration, setting up water harvesting systems, relocating salinized wells, and reconstructing and upgrading coastal infrastructure such as sea walls, groynes, dikes, and spillways. The project is executed by the Vice President’s Office and in partnership with UNOPS.

The project was designed and implemented together with its sister project “Implementation of concrete adaptation measures to reduce vulnerability of livelihoods and economy of coastal communities of Tanzania” financed by the Adaptation Fund. The investments and technical assistance in this project focus on the coastal regions of Rufiji, Pangani, Bagamoyo, and two areas in Zanzibar. The AF project, on the other hand, has site locations in Zanzibar.

Project website.

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Last updated: 04 Jun 2024, 14:57