Copenhagen Centre on Energy Efficiency

Established in September 2013, the Copenhagen Centre on Energy Efficiency accelerates the uptake of energy efficiency policies and actions at a global scale. The Centre is part of the UNEP Copenhagen Climate Centre (UNEP-CCC) – a UNEP collaborating centre with more than 30 years of leading international research and advisory work on climate, energy and sustainable development.

The Copenhagen Centre on Energy Efficiency works to help national and subnational governments implement energy efficiency. With a strong focus on the capacity needed for in-country development and implementation of technically and financially sound projects, the Centre provides assistance with policy design, pre-feasibility analysis, tools, and business model development. 

The Centre draws explicitly on partnerships such as Mission Efficiency and the strengths of other in-country partners so that larger-scale project deployment can occur quickly. The Centre’s Knowledge Management System is home to reference publications, tools, webinars, podcasts and training materials on energy efficiency. 


Last updated: 25 Jan 2024, 17:10