United for efficiency (U4E)

UNEP leads the United for Efficiency (U4E) initiative, a public-private partnership that seeks to accelerate the worldwide transition to efficient commercial, industrial, and outdoor lighting, commercial and residential refrigerators, room air conditioners, electric motors, and distribution transformers. 

U4E brings together key stakeholders active in product efficiency to:  Inform policy makers of the potential environmental, financial and economic savings of a transition to high efficiency products; Identify and promote global best practices in transforming markets; Offer tailored assistance to governments to develop and implement national and regional strategies to achieve a fast and sustainable market transformation. 

U4E focuses primarily on developing countries and emerging economies, where electricity demand will more than double by 2030. An increasingly urbanized and growing middle class will require modern lighting, appliances and equipment. This will ultimately boost greenhouse gas emissions. A global transition to high-efficiency products will make it possible for people to enjoy the benefits of their increased incomes while minimizing their impact on climate change.  



Last updated: 26 Jan 2024, 12:05