With tools and expertise, we help stakeholders prepare for emergencies and account for the environmental risks and benefits of extraction.
Preparing for environmental emergencies is essential to reduce secondary disaster impacts. Better planning can pave the way for a smooth response, minimizing environmental and social impact.
The Environmental Emergencies Centre (EEC), founded in 2012, is an initiative of the UN Environment Programme/OCHA Joint Environment Unit, developed in close coordination with the Advisory Group on Environmental Emergencies. The EEC is for communities, governments and other stakeholders seeking to increase their ability to respond effectively when disasters strike.
- Integrated Biodiversity Assessment Tool,
- It is time for stronger environmental regulation in the mining sector (unep.org)
- Harmful-Marine-Extractives-Deep-Sea-Mining.pdf (unepfi.org)
- Sustainability Reporting in the Mining Sector | UNEP - UN Environment Programme
- Deep Sea Mining | UNEP - UN Environment Programme
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