Global Opportunities for Sustainable Development Goals (GO4SDGs)

In Sustainable Development Goals




GO4SDGs is an accelerator of SDG12 and SDG8, promoting circularity in high-impact sectors (food, textiles, tourism, plastics), green jobs for youth, and sustainable lifestyles. GO4SDGs brings together strategic partners and a joint menu of services with a vast number of tools, guidelines, and knowledge to take action, scale up, and replicate best practices.


1. Policy coherence and scale up circularity: support governments to strengthen policy coherence and mainstream circular economy and sustainable consumption and production (SCP) approaches in national policies, including policies on climate change, biodiversity, and pollution.

2. Innovation and Finance for SMES: support small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to increase capacities and access for financing innovation and  circularity

3. Youth empowerment to amplify their voices, embrace sustainable lifestyles, and provide new skills and knowledge for green jobs for youth.

To achieve this, GO4SDGS collaborates with its partners and has developed multiple initiatives scaling up action, such as the Green Jobs for Youth Pact, Sustainable Lifestyles Academy, cross-regional working groups on food waste reduction, Fashion Academy in West Asia, and many more. 

See how GO4SDGs connects global partnerships with regional needs and solutions towards the attainment of SDG 12 and SDG 8 in the connecting the dots 'flower' below. 

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Email: UNEP-Economy-go4sdgs <

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In Sustainable Development Goals