The Vehicles Campaign

In Transport

The PCFV recognizes that fuels and vehicles work together as a system, and that the greatest benefits are achievable by combining cleaner fuels with appropriate cleaner vehicle emission control technologies. 

While many developing and transition countries are increasingly implementing cleaner fuel policies, most still lack vehicle emission standards. A long-term strategy that focuses on cleaning the fuels and vehicles in an integrated manner will result in optimal benefits for these countries. For in-use vehicles, effective inspection and maintenance programmes will ensure vehicles emit fewer pollutants. 

The PCFV agreed target for vehicle emission standards is Euro 4/IV and above emission standards to match the 50 ppm and below fuel Sulphur target. Here again a sub-regional approach is preferred and supported due to the cross-border movement of fuels and vehicles.

Download the Map of Light Duty Vehicle Emission Standards (2025), showing countries/sub-regions that have adopted standards. However, the ECOWAS and EAC sub-regions are yet to fully implement these standards. 

In Transport
