The illuminate rainbow on the bubble surface

Workstream 2 - Development of additional indicators

The Task team of Workstream 2 is lead by the World Health Organization (WHO) for the work on the High-level indicator global burden of disease attributable to chemicals and waste, and by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) for the work on the High-level indicator global environmental burden attributable to chemicals and waste.

The objective of the Task team of Workstream 2 is to develop a comprehensive set of indicators to bridge gaps and complete the Framework's measurability structure.

Part 1 - High-Level Indicators:

  • the work on the High-level indicator global burden of disease attributable to chemicals and waste is lead by the World Health Organization (WHO)
  • the work on the High-level indicator global environmental burden attributable to chemicals and waste is lead by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)


Workstream 2 Events

Second meeting of Workstream 2 task tema on the "high-level indictor on the global environmental burden" - 23 January 2025

First meeting of Workstream 2 task team on the "high-level indictor on the global environmental burden" - 19 September 2024

List of stakeholders

List of stakeholders registered to Workstream 1 - last updated on 28 January 2025