Our green economy work is spread across a number of programmes and initiatives:

Advisory services – We provide technical assistance and capacity building to help countries transition to greener and more inclusive economic models.

Economic and fiscal policy – We generate research that helps policymakers shift policies and investments to protect the environment and promote social protection and equity.

Environment and Trade Hub – We support countries in using trade as a driver for achieving the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

Green Growth Knowledge Platform – We offer policymakers the policy guidance, good practices, tools and data they need to support the transition to a green economy.

Partnership for Action on Green Economy – We work with other UN agencies to assist countries in developing, adopting and implementing green economy policies and strategies.

The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity – We work to “make nature’s value visible” and mainstream the economics of nature into decision-making at all levels.

UN Environment Finance Initiative – We partner with financial institutions around the world to bring about systemic change in finance to support a sustainable world.
