What is Partnership for Action on Green Economy (PAGE)?
The United Nations Partnership for Action on Green Economy (PAGE) puts sustainability at the heart of global economic policymaking for a shift in finance and investment towards a just, circular, and green economic transformation.
Leveraging the expertise and networks of five UN agencies, UNEP, ILO, UNIDO, UNDP and UNITAR – and working closely with governments, PAGE offers comprehensive and coordinated support to promote green jobs and a just transition, foster circularity, and advance sustainable finance.
PAGE integrated approach
PAGE is a demand-driven initiative, well-positioned to respond to the specific needs and priorities of countries. By directly linking to national planning frameworks, PAGE facilitates the integration of green and circular economy principles through evidence-based analysis and policy advice.
PAGE additional value lies in an integrated offer to countries that cuts across sectors and ministries, with key entry points in Ministries of Planning, Economy, Finance, Labor, Industry and Environment.
At global level, PAGE operates as a global platform and knowledge hub to inform global debates and agenda setting, develop capacity building and enable peer-to-peer learning and South-South Cooperation.
Thanks to this integrated approach and support of a wide range of partners, PAGE is increasingly recognized as a model to deliver coordinated support of UN to countries for achieving the global targets of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, Paris Climate Agreement and Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework.
Uniting UN’s economic expertise
Central to PAGE’s approach is the collaboration with UN Resident Coordinator Offices (UNRCOs) that are placed at the center of a coordinated UN System’s response to advance countries’ green economy pathways.
Over the past years, PAGE has built a partnership with the United Nations Development Coordination Office (UN DCO) to foster dialogue, strengthen capacities and facilitate exchange and peer-learning among countries and their respective UNCROs. This partnership allows for greater uptake and better design of green, circular and just transition policies and related finance mechanisms.
Leveraging the economic expertise of the UN System, PAGE and UN DCO offer targeted trainings and thematic dialogues that highlight key elements of green transitions and related tools and policy options.
To visit the PAGE website, click here.
PAGE Knowledge hub
Serving as a knowledge exchange platform, the PAGE Knowledge Hub facilitates access to publications, assessments, reports, courses, videos and podcasts and serves as hub to share information and learning material. (https://www.un-page.org/knowledge-hub/)
- International Labour Organization
- UN Development Programme
- UN Industrial Development Organization
- UN Institute of Training and Research
Contact us
PAGE Secretariat
c/- UN Environment Resources and Markets Branch
International Environment House 1
11-13 Chemin des Anémones
Châtelaine CH-1219
Geneva, Switzerland
More information about PAGE