Egypt’s Green Transformation Strategy embraces many of the principles and objectives of a green economy. The 7th Egyptian Competitiveness Report published by the Egypt Competitiveness Council is titled “Green Egypt: A Vision for Tomorrow” and focused on a framework and strategic elements for a green transformation of the economy and society. For the full report, please click here.
Egypt is a UNEP Green Economy “flagship country”. The “flagship” countries are meant to constitute a critical mass of green economy “champions” with readiness to pro-actively and constructively engage in moving forward a positive agenda on green economy in the run-up to the Rio+20 Conference. UN “acting as One” on Green Economy.
The UN system in Egypt has developed an action programme known as the United Nations Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF) for the period 2007 to 2011. The Framework is designed to work in alignment to the national development priorities of Egypt. UNDAF Outcomes include support provided to integrating environment and employment issues into the macroeconomic development agenda. Capacity development in government via the integration of population and environmental issues into the development of future agriculture policies and biodiversity conservation programs.