In collaboration with our partners, UN Environment organises regular events to share country experiences on specific topics and push forward the international agenda on green fiscal reform.
- Regional workshops bring together representatives from relevant ministries, international organizations, industry and civil society to discuss and share experiences with green fiscal policies. Past regional workshops have focused on fiscal reforms, revenue management and sovereign wealth funds in the extractives sector in the Asia Pacific region, on reforming fossil fuel subsidies in Africa and on fiscal policies towards an inclusive green economy in Europe.
- Technical workshops have been organized to link academics and the policy community through focused events at the Global Conference on Environmental Taxation.
- High-level policy dialogues have been organised at major international and regional conferences including the Conference of the Parties to the UNFCCC, EU Green Week, the Africa Carbon Forum and the Ministerial Conferences of the Partnership for Action on the Green Economy (PAGE), to push forward the global agenda on the role of green fiscal policies in supporting international commitments.
More information on the latest fiscal events organised by UNEP and partners is available on the events page of the Green Fiscal Policy network.