The UNEP Environment and Trade team works on textiles as one of the high-impact priority sectors where trade and trade policies can play a role in its sustainability and circularity transition. As such, the Environment and Trade team has concluded national level projects under the framework of UNEP’s One Textile Initiative that resulted in case studies of textile value chain analysis. 

National case studies of textile value chain analysis  

The two national level case studies for Kenya and Thailand highlight trade flows in textile products, identifies environmental hotspots, and analyze gaps and opportunities to support policy makers and SMEs (Small Medium Enterprise) in using trade policy instruments (including trade finance and trade agreements) to transition towards sustainable and circular textile value chains.  The case studies resulted from a thorough analysis of the role of trade in supporting sustainable and circular textile value chains under UNEP’s overall framework on Sustainable and Circular Fashion.  


Through extensive global and national engagement, we’re driving a change in policy, practice, and behaviour amongst stakeholder groups by raising awareness through the dissemination of findings from case studies, building partnerships and dialogues, and liaising with relevant organizations for effective cooperation on the green transition in the sector. 

Outputs and activities 

Sustainable and Circular Textile Value Chains: Linkages with Trade and Trade policy: Kenya Case Study

Sustainable and Circular Textile Value Chains: Linkages with Trade and Trade policy: Thailand Case Study

Roundtable on Trade, the Circular Economy, and Sustainable Development in the Textiles and Clothing Sector


Linked initiatives 


Project partners
