Third global conference on land-ocean connections

Addressing the multiple issues related to land-based pollution of our oceans will be the main topic for the third Global Conference on Land-Ocean Connections which is taking place 23-24 October in Bali, Indonesia. The event brings together scientists, technical experts, policy-makers, businesses and civil society actors to discuss the latest science on the impacts of marine pollution and how to best address this issue.

The conference will directly precede the fourth Intergovernmental Review meeting of the Global Programme of Action, and offer specific recommendations that will be taken into account by the governments attending the meeting.

Expected topics for discussion:

  • The link between climate change and marine pollution
  • Avenues for strengthening international and regional cooperation
  • The financial side of protecting our oceans
  • Challenges and success-factors for addressing key sources of marine pollution, including nutrient pollution, wastewater and marine litter

Why you should attend the Global Conference on Land-Ocean Connections?

  • For non-governmental actors, it is a chance to influence the outcomes of the fourth intergovernmental review meeting of the Global Programme of Action
  • It’s an arena for exchanging best practices and lessons learned on the topic of marine pollution from land-based sources.
  • It’s a venue for getting brought up to speed on the latest science and emerging issues related to marine pollution, such as pollutants from pharmaceuticals, the link between climate change and algal blooms and microfibers.

Click here to download the agenda

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Last updated: 24 Nov 2017, 14:09