First intergovernmental review meeting on the implementation of the GPA

The First Intergovernmental Review (IGR) on Implementation of the Global Programme of Action for the Protection of the Marine Environment from Land-Based Activities (GPA) was held to Monday, 26 November to Friday, 30 November in Montreal Canada.


To review the status of GPA implementation, to mainstream the GPA, and enlist support and high-level commitment to provide substantial impetus to implementation of the GPA, by:

  • Defining realistic targets, activities and responsibilities;
  • Devising feasible financial, institutional and technological arrange- ments; and securing commitments from key partners.


Over the course of the five-day meeting, delegates addressed several key issues, including:

  • A review of accomplishments in GPA implementation from 1995 to 2001;
  • The GPA’s Strategic Action Plan on Municipal Waste- water;
  • The 2002-2006 work programme for the GPA Coordination Office; coastal and ocean governance;
  • Delegates adopted the Montreal Declaration on the Protection of the Marine Environment from Land-based Activities, in which they commit to improving and accelerating implementation of the GPA through actions related to mainstreaming of the GPA, oceans and coastal governance, and financing of the GPA.

IISD Archive

- Daily Summary of Tuesday 27 November 2001

- Daily Summary of Wednesday 28 November 2001

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Last updated: 18 Jun 2019, 11:47