Africa sustainable transport forum

The goals of the African Sustainable Transport Forum are to integrate sustainable transport into the region’s development and planning processes, and to increase the amount of funding going to sustainable transport in Africa.

As a follow, up to the Africa Sustainable Transport Forum held in 2014, UN Environment and its partners held an Africa wide event dubbed the “Africa Clean Mobility week” on 12-16 March 2018.  Forty two (42) African countries, 2 regional bodies, civil society, private sector, media and development partners were in attendance. The outcome of this meeting was a clean mobility roadmap leveraging on improving the automotive fuel efficiency, advancing electric mobility, regulating the import of used vehicles and promoting sustainable transport infrastructure.

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Transformative Potential of Sustainable Transport for Africa

The ASTF ‘Conversation Series’ seeks to provide a discussion platform conducive to understanding and advancing the current narrative around transport and linked issues such as poverty eradication, environmental…

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Knowledge hub

ASTF integrates sustainable transport into the region’s development and planning, increasing the amount of funding for sustainable transport programs in Africa. Learn more


The goal of the ASTF Secretariat is to support the ASTF, and the implementation of the ASTF Action Framework. Read our latest reports and publications. Learn more

Contact us

UN Environment  Programme

Economy Division

Sustainable Mobility Unit

P.O Box 30552 Nairobi, KENYA

Email: info.astf[at]