Capacity-building Initiative for Transparency

Transparent international climate change action

The Conference of Parties (COP) meeting held in December 2015 adopted the Paris Agreement which aims “to strengthen the global response to the threat of climate change in the context of sustainable development and efforts to eradicate poverty”.

Under Article 13 of the Paris Agreement, a transparency framework for action and support was established with the purpose of providing information on support provided and received by relevant individual Parties in the context of climate change action. This led to the establishment of the GEF Capacity-building Initiative for Transparency (CBIT) which aims at:

  1. Strengthening national institutions for transparency-related activities in line with national priorities;
  2. Providing relevant tools, training and assistance for meeting the provisions stipulated in Article 13 of the Agreement;
  3. Improving transparency

The UNEP GEF Climate Change Mitigation Unit is supporting over 30 countries in Africa, Asia, Latin America and Caribbean regions to fulfil their reporting  commitments under the Enhanced Transparency Framework of the Paris Agreement. Through individual country projects, the various ministries are identifying barriers, building institutional capacities and systems that will enable them provide information on financial, technology transfer, and capacity building support needed and received.

A global CBIT Coordination platform has also been established in collaboration with UNDP and UNEP-DTU partnership. The coordination platform has been working closely with the various countries to disseminate information and provide an avenue for the participating ministries to share their experiences and learn from best practices towards enhancing their national reporting capacities under the Paris Agreement.

The upcoming GEF 8 funding cycle will continue to provide support to countries to enhance their capacity-building need for transparency under the Paris Agreement through the CBIT under its Pillar II and national governments that wish to receive support to develop CBIT project to access this funding can get in touch with us.