Urbanization and infrastructure development

Transforming cities for people and planet

Two thirds of the world’s population will live in cities by 2050, and currently 70% of global CO₂ emissions are produced by cities. Cities are the greatest lever we have for transforming our world and meeting our critical global goals around reducing greenhouse gas emissions, preserving biodiversity, putting an end to pollution and building climate resilience. Driven by projected city growth and the need to mitigate climate change, financing needs for urban infrastructure at a global level are estimated to be $4.5-5.4 trillion per year.  

The GEF Mitigation Unit works with developing country cities to adopt integrated approaches to urban development, shaping a resilient, inclusive, zero-carbon future where both people and planet can thrive. Aligning to the GEF requirements, the Unit also supports cities to mobilize larger scale investments required for provision of sustainable and resilient city infrastructure and services. 

As part of this, UNEP is currently implementing a global GEF programme called “Urbanshift”. This programme supports 23 cities in 9 countries in: 

  • Strengthening governance, institutions, processes, and capacities to undertake evidence-based, sustainable, inclusive, integrated planning and policy reform; 

  • Undertaking sustainable, integrated, low carbon, resilient land conservation or land restoration investments in cities; 

  • Initiating innovative financing and business models for scaling-up sustainable urban solutions;  

  • Influencing policy making and actions at local, regional and national levels to promote sustainable and inclusive cities. 

In Urbanshift, UNEP is collaborating with the World Bank, ADB, UNDP, WRI, C40, ICLEI and stakeholders from the selected countries and cities in bringing together GEF grants worth USD 147 million and cofinance from a myriad of partners leading to mitigate more than 100 million tonnes of CO₂ emissions and to sustainably manage or restore 1 million hectares of land.  

The UrbanShift Global Platform, implemented by UNEP and co-executed with WRI, C40 and ICLEI, is providing cities with opportunities to strengthen their skills, share experiences, build partnerships, engage with the private sector, and mobilize new sources of financing.  Learn more about UrbanShift here. 

The GEF Mitigation Unit continues to support countries implementing projects that promote sustainable urbanization in GEF-8 and GEF-9 cycles.