To implement the Paris Agreement, developing countries require support in capacities and tools to create assessments, plans, information and data collection and sharing, among other. This is key to assess their emissions cuts contributions, their needs to accomplish them and to foster governance frameworks.
The GEF Mitigation Unit supports over 80 developing countries to prepare their periodic National Communication (NC) and Biennial Update Reports (BUR) to meet their reporting obligations under the UNFCCC. It also supports countries submit their Biennial Transparency Reports (BTR).
The Mitigation team provides technical support to national governments to develop funding proposals to access GEF funding and, upon receipt, the Unit works closely with the executing ministries to enhance their institutional capabilities to prepare their periodic reports to the UNFCCC.
A Global Support Programme jointly implemented with UNDP also provides technical assistance to the non-Annex 1 countries to improve the quality of their periodic National Communication and Biennial Transparency Reports by strengthening their institutional capacities through technical backstopping, tools and training. Regional expert networks are also established within the global programme that provide an avenue for information and best practice sharing amongst the participating countries to further enhance their reporting capacities.
GEF funding cycles support developing countries so that they can meet their relevant Convention obligations and enabling activities.