• About
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  • Gender and Environment Group

Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) is home to approximately 335 million women and girls (CELADE-ECLAC, 2022); of which at least 63 million live in rural areas, maintaining a direct and constant interaction with the natural environment.

However, despite these significant numbers, widespread gaps persist across the region in women's ability to achieve the full spectrum of their rights, including access to and control over natural resources, coupled with the burden of unpaid domestic and care work, the health impacts of pollution, insecurity, gender-based violence and limited political voice, all of which are interconnected issues.

On the other hand, women are often at the forefront of environmental and territorial defence movements in the region. However, several Latin American and Caribbean countries rank high globally regarding the threat and murder of leaders dedicated to protecting nature, which also includes women environmental defenders. In 2021, 200 land and environmental defenders were killed. Of these, 78% occurred in Latin America. Of the total number of victims worldwide, 20 were women, 16 of whom lived in the region (Global Witness, 2022).

In this unequal setting, the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) considers that overcoming gender gaps is fundamental for sustainable development and, therefore, implements initiatives focused on making this problem visible and showing the predominant role of women in the sustainable management of natural resources in Latin America and the Caribbean.

Listed below are some of the projects and initiatives on gender and environment developed in the region by the UNEP Office for Latin America and the Caribbean:

Regional Working Group on Gender and Environment of LAC

Type: Working Group. Regional network.

Initiative derived from the Forum of Ministers of the Environment of LAC since July 2020, under the technical secretariat of UNEP and the current Presidency of Colombia (since October 2023). Made up of representatives from 21 countries, it seeks to make visible and promote the integration of the gender approach in environmental policies and the recognition of the role of women and girls in the sustainable management of natural resources. This will be done through the generation of knowledge and analysis and the exchange of experiences, perspectives and lessons learned between countries. See here for a summary of the group.

Video on how the Group came into being (only in Spanish)

Contact: beatriz.carneiro@un.org and adrian.cardonaalzate@un.org


Women and nature for resilient cities: CityAdapt LAC project

Type: Project

The CityAdapt project, funded by the Global Environment Facility (GEF) and implemented by UNEP, aims to contribute to climate change adaptation in Latin American and Caribbean cities by building capacity for the implementation of Nature-based Solutions (NbS) in Xalapa (Mexico), San Salvador (El Salvador) and Kingston (Jamaica). NbS encompass actions to protect, conserve, restore and sustainably manage ecosystems. These strategies are increasingly recognised as some effective ways to adapt to climate change.

NbS focused on adaptation don’t automatically lead to positive outcomes for gender equity. However, they have great potential to address this challenge. In fact, not using a gender perspective when promoting NbS presents a great risk of maladaptation. With this in mind, two gender action plans were formulated for San Salvador and Xalapa, in collaboration with UN Women.

Contact: roberto.borjabad@un.org

More information at: https://accion-climatica.org/en/blog/story/women-and-nature-for-resilient-cities-in-latin-america/

Project: https://cityadapt.com/en/jem/


Gender mainstreaming in the Caribbean Biological Corridor project

Type: Project

In the Caribbean Biological Corridor (CBC) Initiative, addressing gender disparities is paramount. Through comprehensive gender analysis, CBC has achieved a "well integrated Gender" status in its climate resilience project. CBC's commitment includes gender-disaggregated data, female participation promotion, and the integration of diverse perspectives. Gender inclusivity extends beyond workshops, making strides in sustainable development. This will allow gender sensitive assessments to provide equal opportunities and empowerment for women and the inclusion of their perspectives as a substantive part of sustainable environmental management.

Contact: Juan Carlos Duque, UNEP Project Manager, juan.duque@un.org

Women's conservation contributions are highlighted in this video capsule: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tj48b4TDujk

More information on the project: https://cbcbio.org/


Integrating gender perspectives in urban climate action: the significance of Nature4Cities

Type: Project

Nature4Cities (N4C) propels urban climate action by integrating Nature-based Solutions (NbS) throughout Latin America and the Caribbean. Amidst a backdrop of gender disparities in climate impacts and urban dynamics, N4C is taking an approach to incorporate a gender perspectives into its planning. Recognizing the unique challenges faced by women, often the primary caregivers with limited mobility and resource access, N4C commits to gender-responsive urban adaptation. The project extends its reach to webinars and initiatives in Cuba and the Dominican Republic, driving women's involvement in urban adaptation through NbS. Implemented in 13 cities across 7 countries, N4C's multi-staged assessments fortify policies and institutional frameworks, engaging a diverse spectrum of stakeholders. In this inclusive process, integrating the gender perspective into urban planning stands as a cornerstone.

Contact: Sebastian Carranza, Programme Management Officer, sebastian.carranzatovar@un.org 

More information on the project: https://cityadapt.com/en/nature4cities/


Towards zero waste and gender equality: transforming the Caribbean landscape

The “Zero waste in the Caribbean: new ways, new waves project” aligns solid waste management systems with circular economy principles. Recognizing the intrinsic link between environmental issues and gender issues, it advocates for comprehensive policies addressing such socio-economic dynamics. The Project has partnered with UN Women Caribbean in multiple activities: from awareness to education. This approach integrates gender perspectives, empowering women in waste management and promoting gender equality. This collaborative effort, funded by the European Union and jointly implemented by UNEP, GIZ, AFD and OECS, underscores the importance of international cooperation in achieving sustainable development goals with gender considerations at its core.

Contact: Shanta King, UNEP Project Manager, shanta.king@un.org

More information on the project: https://www.unep.org/zero-waste-caribbean-new-ways-new-waves

Webinar recording: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EWErSoMKlFw


CBIT projects (gender mainstreaming and South-South cooperation components)

Transparency & Climate Ambition

Type: Project

Capacity Building Initiative for Transparency - CBIT (Global Environment Facility) projects managed by our team have successfully incorporated gender-sensitive MRV systems by prioritising and recognising the need for sex-disaggregated data, and have also successfully developed other gender tools such as gender analysis, participatory mechanisms and budgeting. The team has encouraged and facilitated bilateral and multilateral spaces for knowledge exchange and regional cooperation with other gender experts in the region.

Contact: UNEP Transparency and Climate Ambition team, roberto.borjabad@un.org


Regional long term planning network (EUROCLIMA+)

Transparency & Climate Ambition

Type: Regional network

Within the framework of the EUROCLIMA+ project for Long-Term Planning, discussions have been initiated with the gender and climate change focal points of Uruguay, Colombia and Costa Rica. Long-term strategies impose greater uncertainty on efforts and initiatives to generate gender plans in climate commitments. These dialogues under the Euroclima+ project have opened a space for the focal points to circulate their own experiences and obstacles regarding gender mainstreaming in climate action. These dialogues have also included the participation of experts who have contributed to clarifying best practices on, for example, how to solidify and strengthen each country's institutional structures and frameworks to support gender and climate change issues.

Contact: UNEP Climate Ambition and Transparency Team, roberto.borjabad@un.org


UN Working Group on gender, race and ethnicity in Brazil

Type: Working Group

The Working Group on Gender, Race and Ethnicity is an initiative of the United Nations in Brazil. Through the subgroup on Women Human Rights Defenders, UNEP Brazil works with other agencies, funds and programmes to strengthen strategies and capacities to support women human rights defenders in their different areas and forms of action, including those specific to women environmental defenders - through digital campaigns for external audiences, drawing attention to the problems of human rights defenders and the realisation of their rights, as well as meetings and forums to strengthen national and regional networks, listening sessions for defenders who have suffered human rights violations, and other inter-agency activities.

Contact: Deputy Representative, UNEP Brazil Office, alberto.pacheco@un.org


Integration of women in bird monitoring. Strengthening the Biological Corridor in the Caribbean project

Type: Project

The Strengthening the Biological Corridor in the Caribbean project is funded by the European Union and engages in the enhancement and expansion of the work achieved through almost 15 years of this multi-country initiative between Cuba, Haiti, Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic. The project has an agreement with the Eastern Centre for Ecosystems and Biodiversity (BIOECO) in Cuba, which includes initiatives to monitor the autumn and spring migration of birds of prey. For this activity, an analysis was made regarding the gender dimension in the counts of migratory raptors carried out in Siboney, Santiago de Cuba, during the autumn migration in 2020. Although only 43% of the participants were women, they contributed more hours to the count (36.6 vs. 34.5) on average, as well as more counting shifts as leaders (7.2 vs. 6.75), and more hours as leaders (43.5 vs. 40.5).

Contact: Juan Carlos Duque, UNEP Project Manager, juan.duque@un.org


Improving risk and resource allocation in Mexico for sustainable development 2019 - 2023

Type: Project

Implemented by UNEP Mexico, with support from the Joint SDG Fund, this project provides technical advice on the gender dimension of sustainable finance, focusing on the challenges and opportunities for mainstreaming gender equity in financial institutions. It aims to strengthen the resilience of the financial system to environmental and climate risks, with better integration of gender equality and includes: (i) methodologies, metrics and indicators to analyse gender equity policies and strategies in financial institutions; (ii) analyse women's participation at decision-making levels; (iii) propose policies, objectives, goals and quotas that seek greater participation of women in decision-making in financial institutions; (iv) identify and propose gender equity programmes, regulations and policies, in institutions that regulate the financial system; and (v) promote financial products that benefit women by increasing their participation in productive activities.

Contact: Dolores Barrientos, UNEP Representative in Mexico, dolores.barrientos@un.org and Enrique Lendo Fuentes, UNEP Senior climate change and sustainable finance specialist, enrique.lendofuentes@un.org

In 2021, the UNEP Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC), with contributions from the Regional Working Group on Gender and Environment of LAC, carried out an exhaustive mapping of actors (public, private, NGOs, social, international cooperants, etc.) working on gender and environment issues in the 33 LAC countries. As a result of this research, 254 organisations and initiatives were identified, whose data per country can be consulted at the following link: List of actors on gender and environment in LAC (only available in Spanish).

Likewise, this study systematised 54 experiences in 16 LAC countries, including institutional arrangements, programmes and projects for the integration of the gender approach in environmental issues, which can be consulted below:

List of experiences on gender and environment in LAC (only available in Spanish).

The summary of this systematisation of actors and experiences can be consulted in two languages, Spanish and English.

portada eng


Actors on Gender and Environment in LAC

Listed below are some tools and publications developed by the Regional Working Group on Gender and Environment of LAC and the UNEP Office for Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC):


  • Gender mainstreaming in climate change, resilience and disaster risk reduction, 2024:

Its objective is to provide recommendations to assist its mission of supporting countries in developing actions to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly mainstreaming gender into sustainable development agendas, biodiversity, climate change, pollution, waste, and disaster risk reduction, with an aim towards alignment. This regional summary was developed with the contributions of nine United Nations agencies with a presence in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC): UNEP, UNDRR, UNDP, ILO, UN Women, ECLAC, UNICEF, UNHCR and IOM. These agencies belong to the Issue-based Coalition (IBC) for Climate Change and Resilience in LAC. Author: Issue-based Coalition (IBC) for Climate Change and Resilience in LAC.

Download link

Video of the publication launch (only in Spanish) 


  • Regional Gender Equality Profile Latin America and the Caribbean, 2024:

This report is the result of collaboration between the 15 Agencies, Funds and Programmes that make up the United Nations Interagency Gender Group in Latin America and the Caribbean, which includes UNEP. Its objective is to examine gender inequalities in the region, taking into account the five dimensions of the 2030 Agenda: people, prosperity, planet, collective participation and peace. The document contains a specific chapter on gender and environment. Author: UN System LAC Interagency Gender Group (GIG).

Download link


  • Decision No. 6. Advancing the implementation of gender equality in environmental management in LAC, 2023:

The Ministers and Heads of Delegation participating in the XXIII meeting of the Forum of Ministers of Environment of Latin America and the Caribbean, 24-26 October 2023, in Panama City, Panama, agreed on this Decision to strengthen women's participation in environmental issues in the region and recognise their fundamental role in sustainable development. Author: Regional Working Group on Gender and Environment of LAC. Review and approval: Forum of Ministers of Environment of LAC.

Link to download in (Spanish) (English)


  • Practical community guide for rainwater sowing and harvesting, 2023:

This guide is the result of a project implemented in 2022, and is intended to be an informative document, in which any person or social group can have a quick reference tool to solve water supply needs through low-cost and quick construction infrastructure. The practical guide is for general use, but emphasises how women can participate in the construction, maintenance and benefits of reservoirs for rainwater sowing and harvesting. Author: COMAFORS and FIIAPP/EUROCLIMA+. Contributions: Regional Working Group on Gender and Environment of LAC and UNEP.

Download link (only available in Spanish)

Video summary of the “Rainwater sowing and harvesting project, 2022” (only available in Spanish)


  • Guide for Gender mainstreaming in climate finance, 2023:

This Guide provides conceptual and methodological tools on how to mainstream gender in climate finance and budgeting. It focuses on current climate finance mechanisms, with the objective of making visible the existing guidelines, tools and opportunities, also exploring innovative experiences from the private sector, with the aim of making visible and facilitating countries' access to gender-responsive finance. Author: Fabiana Menna. Contributions: Regional Working Group on Gender and Environment of LAC and UNEP.

Download Guide (only available in Spanish)

Download Pw Point presentation by the author of the Guide (only available in Spanish)

Recordingt of the launching event of the Guide (only available in Spanish)


  • Mapping of actors and experiences in gender and environment mainstreaming in LAC, 2022:

This exhaustive mapping registers 247 actors (public, private, NGO, social, international cooperants, etc.) working on gender and environment issues in the 33 countries of LAC, with their respective contact details and areas of work, making it the largest database in the region on the subject. It also systematises 54 experiences in 15 LAC countries, including institutional arrangements, programmes and projects for the integration of the gender approach in environmental issues. Author: UNEP. Contributions of the Regional Working Group on Gender and Environment of LAC.

Download link (Spanish) (English)

Download the list of Actors (only available in Spanish)

Download the list of Experiences (only available in Spanish)


  • Checklist for gender and environmental integration in environmental projects, 2022:

This tool proposes 48 criteria to ensure, assess and verify the level of gender mainstreaming in an environmental initiative of any type: institutional arrangement, policy instruments, plan, programme, project or strategy; and in any of its phases: identification; design/formulation; implementation; and monitoring and evaluation. Author: Regional Working Group on Gender and Environment of LAC and UNEP. Review and contributions from Guatemala, Mexico, Chile, IUCN, FIIAPP and IDB.

Link to download (Spanish) (English)


  • Public policy guide on gender and environment integration, 2022:

This technical note presents recommendations around 5 gaps, for the mainstreaming of the gender approach in public policies and environmental initiatives, for the countries of the region, especially aimed at decision makers, policy makers and project formulators. It also includes a list of 81 publications and 23 platforms, documentation centres and databases, with information, training material, various tools and guides for the general integration of gender and environment issues, and specifically on 35 environmental issues.  Author: UNEP. Contributions of the Regional Working Group on Gender and Environment of LAC.

Link to download (Spanish) (English)


  • Proposal of indicators to measure the relationship between gender and environment, 2022:

Format designed to identify the availability of environmental indicators, disaggregated by sex at the national level. The tool presents 48 indicators, grouped in 8 dimensions: (i) Right to land, natural resources and biodiversity; (ii) Natural resources, including food, energy and water; (iii) Climate change and disasters; (iv) Consumption, production and waste; (v) Health, well-being and sanitation; (vi) Women in environmental decision-making; (vii) Context-specific indicators; and (viii) Other indicators according to other gaps. Author: Regional Working Group on Gender and Environment of LAC and UNEP.


Link to download (only available in Spanish)


  • Decision No. 7: "Promotion of gender equality in environmental management", of the XXII Meeting of the Forum of Ministers of Environment of LAC, 2021:

This Decision is the first one dedicated to gender issues in the 40-year history of the Forum of Ministers of Environment of LAC. In this decision, the Forum recognises the importance of women in the sustainable management of natural resources and ecosystems, highlights some of the most important gaps and invites the 33 member countries to implement measures to reduce these inequalities between men and women. Author: Regional Working Group on Gender and Environment of LAC. Review and approval: Forum of Ministers of Environment of LAC.


Link to download in (Spanish) (English)


  • Analysis document. Gender and the environment: a preliminary analysis of gaps and opportunities in LAC, 2020:

The document provides an overview of 10 gender gaps analysed in environmental matters in LAC: (i) Land rights and women's role in agriculture; (ii) Women in small-scale mining; (iii) Women in fisheries; (iv) Women's role in defending environmental rights; (v) Disaster risk and climate change impacts; (vi) Sustainable consumption and production and waste management; (vii) Access to water and sanitation; (viii) Access to clean energy for cooking; (ix) Access to energy; and (x) Women in environmental decision-making. Author: UNEP. Review and contributions from IUCN and Regional Working Group on Gender and Environment of LAC.

Available in English and Spanish


  • From words to action: projects with innovative solutions to promote nature conservation, climate action and gender equality, 2020:

It includes a checklist composed of 53 criteria to consider in order to achieve the inclusion of the gender approach in the design or updating of any type of environmental initiative, according to its phase: Identification phase, Design phase; Implementation phase; Monitoring and evaluation phase. As well as 7 successful case studies of gender mainstreaming initiatives in environmental issues in: Colombia; Costa Rica; Ecuador; Peru; Uruguay; and Mexico, El Salvador and Jamaica. Authors: UNEP, UNDP and UN Women.

Available in (Spanish) (English)


Training opportunities on gender and environment:

Other UNEP publications on gender and environment at global level:

  • Integration and gender in the Montreal Protocol: experiences in Latin America and the Caribbean, 2022. Author: UNEP. Link to download
  • Publications and resources on gender and waste management. Author: UNEP. Link to portal
  • Powering equality: Women's entrepreneurship transforming Asia's energy sector, 2022. Author: UNEP. Link to download
  • Guide to mainstreaming gender in forest (REDD+) and climate change management, 2021. Authors: UN REDD - UNEP, FAO and UNDP. Link to download (only available in Spanish)
  • Gender in national action plans for artisanal and small-scale gold mining. Quick start guide, 2021. Author: UNEP. Link to download
  • Gender, climate and security. Keeping inclusive peace on the frontline of climate change, 2020. Author: UNEP. Link to download
  • Gender integration in renewable energy policy. A guideline for renewable energy policy and decision makers, 2020. Author: UNEP. Link to download
  • Mainstreaming gender in environment statistics for the SDGs and beyond: identifying priorities in Asia and the Pacific, 2019. Authors: UNEP, IUCN, UN Women and UN ESCAP. Link to download
  • Gender and environment statistics: Unlocking information for action and measuring the SDGs, 2019. Authors: UNEP and IUCN. Link to download
  • Gender mainstreaming in the management of the marine and coastal ecosystems, 2019. Author: UNEP. Link to download
  • Gender and waste nexus: experiences from Bhutan, Mongolia and Nepal, 2019. Authors: UNEP-IETC and GRID-Arendal. Link to download
  • Gender analysis toolkit for coastal management practitioners, 2018. Authors: UNEP, IUCN, UNDP and others. Link to download  
  • Gender and environment: support kit for UN environment staff, 2017. Author: UNEP. Link to download
  • Global Gender and Environment Outlook (GGEO), 2016. Authors: UNEP and others. Link to download
  • Gender sensitivity toolkit for national communications, 2015. Authors: UNEP, UNDP and GEF. Link to download

Below are listed the upcoming events in the field of gender and environment in which UNEP is participating, as well as the proceedings of previous events:

  • Webinar de launch of the regional summary: “Gender mainstreaming in climate change, resilience and disaster risk reduction”. Organised by: IBC on Climate Change and Resilience with the support of the LAC Gender and Environment Group, UNEP and UNDRR. 25 June 2025, with the registration of more than 225 people from 29 countries.

Download the regional summary

Webinar recording (only in Spanish)


  • Webinar "Rainwater sowing and harvesting: an empowerment technique for women in LAC". Organized by: Regional Working Group on Gender and Environment of LAC, UNEP, FIIAPP/EUROCLIMA LAC, and COMAFORS. 26 September 2023, with the registration of more than 600 people from 44 countries.

Download the rainwater sowing and harvesting  Guide (only available in Spanish)

Video summary of the Rainwater sowing and harvesting project, 2022 (only available in Spanish).

Webinar recording (only in Spanish)


  • Webinar "Tools for the integration of the gender approach in environmental policy in LAC". Organized by: Regional Working Group on Gender and Environment of LAC and UNEP. 03 May 2023, with the registration of 300 people from 19 countries. Download the Pw Point presentations

Webinar recording (only in Spanish)

Note: The 4 tools can be consulted in the "Resources" section of this website.


  • Webinar "Presentation of the Guide for gender mainstreaming in climate finance, a space for dialogue with the author". Organised by: Regional Working Group on Gender and Environment of LAC and UNEP. 19 April 2023, with the registration of 81 people from 16 countries.

Download Guide for Gender Mainstreaming in Climate Finance (only in Spanish)

Download Pw Point Presentation by the author of the Guide (only in Spanish)

Webinar recording (only in Spanish)


  • Webinar "Challenges for gender mainstreaming in environmental policy in LAC". Organized by: Regional Working Group on Gender and Environment of LAC and UNEP. 15 March 2023, with the registration of 577 people from 39 countries. Approach of the event (only in Spanish).

Webinar recording (only in Spanish)


  • Webinar "Gender perspective in solar energy and climate action". Organised by: UNEP (Termosolar Panama). 28 July 2021, with 94 views on YouTube.


Webinar recording (only in Spanish)


  • Webinar "The role of women in private environmental management in LAC". Organised by: Regional Working Group on Gender and Environment of LAC and UNEP. 24 May 2022, with the registration of 777 people from 57 countries and 733 views on YouTube.

Webinar recording (English) (Spanish)  

Download webinar summary (only in Spanish)


  • Webinar "Green and gender-sensitive agendas in LAC". Organised by: UNDP in partnership with UNEP, in the framework of the IBC on Climate Change and Resilience and the celebration of CSW66. 25 March 2022, with the participation of 1,053 people around the world.

Webinar recording (only in Spanish)


  • Webinar Gender and environment "Promoting gender equality in environmental management in LAC". Organized by: Regional Working Group on Gender and Environment of LAC and UNEP. 12 March 2021, with the participation of 345 people from 29 countries.

Report and webinar recording (only in Spanish)


  • Webinar indigenous women and environment "Indigenous women: agents of change in socio-environmental management in LAC". Organized by: Regional Working Group on Gender and Environment of LAC and UNEP. 31 August 2021, with the registration of 815 people from 38 countries and 1,064 views on YouTube.

Report and webinar recording (only in Spanish)


  • Webinar "From words to action: projects with innovative solutions to address climate change and promote gender equality". Organised by: IBC on Climate Change and Resilience - UNEP - UN Women - UNDP.16 June 2020, with the participation of 345 people from 29 countries.

Report and webinar recording (only in Spanish)

Publication available in (Spanish) (English)


  • Participation in the side event COP26 "Gender day: virtual gender market place". Technical-political dialogue on gender mainstreaming in the climate crisis. Organized by: UNFCCC - Gender Team - Ministry of Environment of Chile. Participation of: UNEP (Gender and Environment Group). 9 November 2021.

Webinar recording (English and Spanish)


  • Webinar "Gender perspective in solar energy and climate action". Organized by: UNEP (Termosolar Panama). 28 July 2021, with 94 views on YouTube.

Webinar recording (only in Spanish)





Regional Working Group on Gender and Environment of LAC

In response to the gender gaps in access to and control of natural resources and the disproportionate effects of pollution on girls and women, the Regional Working Group on Gender and Environment was created in 2020 by decision of the Forum of Ministers of Environment of Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC).

This Group brings together delegates from 21 countries in the region and five observer entities, under the rotating presidency of one of the countries and with the technical support of UNEP. The Group meets periodically and implements a work plan, generating products for the integration of gender in environmental issues in the region and dissemination events. The Group is open to generate projects and alliances, with the purpose of making visible and promoting the importance of recognising the role of women, and integrating the gender approach in environmental policies.

Video on how the Group came into being (only in Spanish)


Member countries of the Group (updated 2024): Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Saint Lucia, Trinidad and Tobago, Uruguay and Venezuela.

Permanently invited observer entities

  • Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC).
  • UN Women.
  • United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).
  • International and Ibero-American Foundation for Public Administration and Policy (FIIAPP).
  • International Foundation European Union, Latin America and the Caribbean (EU - LAC Foundation).

Presidency of the Group

  • Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development of Colombia 2023 - 2025.
  • Ministry of Environment of Chile 2020 - 2023.


Key documents of the Second face-to-face meeting of the Group, Cartagena de Indias, Colombia, May 2024:

Report of the Meeting (only in Spanish).

Key documents of the First face-to-face meeting of the Group, Panama City, March 2022:

Concept note of the meeting (only in Spanish).

Recording of the first day (24.03.22): welcome and institutional presentations (see from minute 5:25 ss) (only in Spanish).

Recording of the panel of experiences on gender and environment supported by EUROCLIMA+ (24.03.22) (only in Spanish).

Recording of the second day (25.03.22): studies, networks and experiences (only in Spanish).


Last updated: 26 Sep 2024, 16:48