The Global Waste Management Outlook, a collective effort of the United Nations Environment Programme and the International Waste Management Association, is a pioneering scientific global assessment on the state of waste management and a call for action to the international community.
These guidelines provide advice and tools to overcome these challenges and manage disaster waste in emergency and take out early recovery phases. They are targeted at implementers of disaster waste management projects. Their objective is to
This publication outlines a possible process and poses questions that countries may wish to consider as they develop integrated national waste management strategies. It outlines the reasons for a national waste management strategy and explores the challenges and opportunities waste management presents to governments and communities.
Healthcare waste is all the waste generated by healthcare facilities, medical laboratories and biomedical research facilities, as well as waste from minor or scattered sources.
International Environmental Technology Centre (IETC) of Division of Technology of United Nations Environment Programme is assisting member countries on Integrated Solid Waste Management (ISWM). IETC is also focusing on WEEE/E-waste management as a part of ISWM.
When making decisions on investments, economic considerations often takes precedence over environmental and social factors. This may lead to unsustainable decisions and investments.
In March 2011, a massive earthquake off the north-east coast of Japan triggered a tsunami that created an unprecedented volume of debris. The debris management operation along the Tohoku coast is the largest of its kind in the world.
The sound management of waste can have substantial co-benefits for efforts to address climate change. As a first step to realize these co-benefits, this report seeks - To examine the potential of climate impacts and benefits of different waste management activities.
This report summarizes lessons learned from implementing Environmentally Sound Technology (EST) pilot projects by the International Environmental Technology Centre of UNEP Division of Technology, Industry and Economics (UNEP-DTIE-IETC).
This document is a compilation of technologies for the conversion of plastics into fuel which are in commercial use, under pilot implementation and under laboratory testing.
This document pertains to the methodology for waste plastics characterization and quantification (mainly for conversion into resource/fuel) and the assessment of current waste management system including the identification of gaps therein.
This first volume of E-waste manual aims to build the capacity of practitioners and policy makers for preparing WEEE/E-waste inventories. The objective of the manual is to identify E-waste as an environmental issue and to quantify it.
A policy shift from open dumping to sanitary landfilling has implications on local preparedness to operate and manage a landfill as well as on how the current dumpsites will be abandoned. Consequently, there is a need to build and enhance the technical and management capacities of local authorities.