Plastic Waste Management Strategy and Action Plan for Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation (GHMC) is a strategy document which acts as a guiding document for GHMC to ensure holistic management of plastic waste in the city of Hyderabad.
With a population of 250 million, Indonesia is the fourth most populous country and second-largest plastic polluter in the world after China. The country produces 3.2 million tonnes of unmanaged plastic waste a year, of which about 1.29 million tonnes ends up in the sea.
Myanmar has had to face tremendous challenges in waste management in the recent past, due to a number of factors – its growing population and economy, increasing complexity of waste streams, and lack of effective waste management systems, proper infrastructure, capital investment, financial and human resources, as well as effective policy an
Accumulation of plastic wastes in the marine eco-system is growing rapidly with the increase of plastic production and consumption patterns, particularly single-use plastics as well as unsustainable plastic waste management practices. Land-based sources are recognized as the main cause (up to 80% of total marine debris) of marine plastic pollution.
Nepal is enlisted as one of the disaster-prone countries in the World. It ranks 4th, 11th and 30th in terms of climate change, earthquake and flood risk. A large amount of disaster-related waste mixed with hazardous waste was observed exposed to various infections, resulting in an adverse impact on both human health and the environment.
Maldives has had to face a growing challenge in managing its solid waste and associated environmental, economic and social issues. Also, most of the waste generated on the islands are disposed onto the island foreshore or burnt at low combustion temperatures.
The strategy for Solid Waste Management (SWM) is aiming at attaining sustainable management of solid waste that contributes to achieving economic and social benefits to Tanzanian people within the next few years.
With a population close to 1.3 million, Varanasi city generates roughly 445 tonnes per day of municipal solid waste. The city is a major religious center and hence attracts significant numbers of tourists; 25,000 pilgrims visit the city every day.
The Phnom Penh Waste Management Strategy and Action Plan 2018-2035 is a guide to Phnom Penh Capital Administration for its effort to improve the current state of waste management, and has been designed to respond to these demands through the programs and actions that are developed under the common vision, mission and goal.
The City Waste Management Strategy and Action Plan for Mandalay (CWMSAP) gives a long-term vision and guide to Mandalay City Development Committee (MCDC) for its efforts towards transforming from the traditional waste management practices (waste collection and disposal) to more sustainable waste management practices including 3Rs (Reduce, Reuse and Recycle) to achieve a resource-efficient and z
Nepal has ratified number of International Convention and formulated legislation, rules and regulations including the Constitution of Nepal 2015 on environment and waste management issues that can be linked to disaster waste management.
The sound management of waste can have substantial co-benefits for efforts to address climate change. As a first step to realize these co-benefits, this report seeks - To examine the potential of climate impacts and benefits of different waste management activities.