
Supporting the implementation of climate-resilient and low-carbon development up to 2030 and 2050


Multi-stakeholder consultations, trainings & peer-exchanges for ambitious climate action


Supporting policies and programmes for enhanced NDC implementation & LTS development


Accelerating public and private climate-friendly investments for resilient development

Country Status

The government of Argentina updated and published its latest Nationally Determined Contribution in October 2021, pledging not to exceed economy-wide net emissions of 359 million tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalents (Mt CO2e) in 2030. This absolute annual target is unconditional on international support and exceeds the target communicated in the country's previous NDC from 2016 by 124 Mt CO2e.

Argentina aims to reach net zero carbon emissions by 2050. The related long-term low emission development strategy (LTS) was developed in 2021 with support from UNEP, among others. At COP26, the country has announced to cut methane emissions by at least 30 percent from 2020 levels by the end of the decade, and to end and reverse deforestation by 2030.

The country’s Adaptation Communication (AC2) identifies 32 adaptation measures in seven sectors and cross-cutting areas of action that aim to strengthen the country’s resilience to climate change impacts, taking into account also gender and diversity aspects. Several of the prioritised measures are expected to have mitigation co-benefits. A National Adaptation Plan (NAP) is currently under development.

Law no. 27520 on Minimum Budgets for Adaptation and Mitigation to Global Climate Change, adopted in Dec. 2019, constitutes a key foundation for inclusive action, instruments and strategies for national climate change mitigation and adaptation.

The law created the National Climate Change Cabinet (GNCC, for its Spanish acronym) whose purpose consists of articulating the design of consensual public policies among the different government areas of the National Public Administration, the Federal Environmental Council and various actors of the civil society. In accordance with the provisions of this law, a National Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation Plan is currently under development.


Adaptation Gap Report 2022

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For Argentina's Second NDC (2020), click here.

For Argentina's Updated NDC (2021), click here.

4th Biennial Update Report including annex

  • Martín Illescas, Secretary for Climate Change, Sustainable Development and Innovation, Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development
  • Florencia Mitchell, National Director of Climate Change, Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development

Sebastian Carranza Tovar, UNEP 
Fernando Farías, UNEP-DTU Partnership