
Country: Argentina

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3 results found

Story Climate change

Climate change training for government employees

During the months of August and September, an online training program on climate policies was delivered with and @sustentibilidad_sin_fronteras, thanks to funding from the NDC Action project in Argentina. Through these local partners, adaptation and mitigation issues were worked on together with more than 200 civil servants and technicians from federal government.

Story Climate change

The Agreement for Climate Action is a platform for exchange and continuous training to articulate initiatives between the public and private sectors, in support of Argentina's climate commitments.

Story Climate change

Federal Law No. 27,520 on Minimum Budgets for Adaptation and Mitigation to Global Climate Change establishes (Article 20) that the provinces and the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires must develop Climate Change Response Plans, developed through participatory processes. These plans must develop a technical baseline and assessment, to identify priority area of action in terms of both mitigation and adaptation, as well as specific and measurable goals.

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