
Region: Asia and the Pacific

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Story Climate change

Through a pilot project for climate-resilient housing in Bangladesh's coastal zone, the NDC Action Project and BRAC is showcasing a new way to tackle the challenges posed by the climate crisis in Mongla Upazila in the Western part of Bangladesh.

Story Climate change

Ulaanbaatar, 18 April 2023

To obtain valuable feedback from relevant parties, a stakeholder consultation was held on the Concept Note prepared by the Trade Development Bank of Mongolia's Climate 30+ Initiative: Green Recovery Program for Mongolian Corporates, with a focus on investment in energy efficiency measure in the industrial sector.

Story Climate change

In March 2023, the NDC Action project team travelled to Bangladesh to attend the first Project Steering Committee (PSC) meeting and a field trip organized by the technical partner Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee (BRAC).

1. Why did Bangladesh choose to be a partner country in the NDC Action Project? What do you hope to achieve?

Story Climate change

A joint meeting was held, under the auspices of the The NDC Action Project, to discuss a concept note for climate resilient agriculture, specifically the implementation of a solar-powered drip irrigation system for arable farming.

The group consisted of various stakeholders, including donor organizations, development partners, international and local financial institutions, sectoral experts, researchers, and community representatives.

Viet Nam’s rapid urbanization and accompanying fast-paced real estate sector are driving emissions from cooling, which are expected to increase under BAU scenario from 34MTCO2eq in 2017 to 80.7MTCO2eq by 2030. This growth is being driven largely by lack of comprehensive urban planning and municipal enforcement of building standards, awareness/capacity to develop urban cooling projects by governments and financiers, lack of finance for passive cooling interventions, low-level building efficiency codes,  inexpensive electricity, low MEPS for ACs, and low industrial efficiency.

Story Climate change

On Tuesday 12th October the High Level Event of the NDC Action Project in Mongolia was held virtually.

The event was opened by Mr. Batbayar Tserendorj, Vice Minister, Ministry of Environment and Tourism (MoET), Government of Mongolia, H.E. Mr. Jörn Rosenberg, Ambassador of Germany to Mongolia, and Ms. Isabelle Louis, Deputy Regional Director, UNEP Asia and the Pacific Office. 

Mrs. Narangaravuu Altangerel, Climate Change Department, Ministry of Environment and Tourism (MoET) set the theme for the event. 

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