News Climate Action

Spotlight on climate action

The climate emergency is a direct consequence of carbon-heavy land-use and agriculture, transport, buildings and industrial processes and polluting energy sources. Without profound changes to these sectors and a drastic cut to carbon footprints, there is little hope of protecting the planet from the devastating effects of a warmer world.

Below are climate-related news and events from the United Nations and partners.

06 Dec 2023 11:52

Scientists say Earth on verge of five catastrophic tipping points

Iceberg off the coast of Greenland
Unsplash/Alex Rose

Climate change has pushed the planet to the brink of five “catastrophic tipping points” according to a report published today. The Global Tipping Points report highlight five tipping points at risk including the collapse of big ice sheets in West Antarctic and Greenland, the widespread thawing of permafrost, the collapse of atmospheric circulation in the North Atlantic and the death of coral reefs worldwide.

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) defines tipping points as “critical thresholds in a system that, when exceeded, can lead to a significant change in the state of the system, often with an understanding that the change is irreversible.”

The Ugandan climate activist, Vanessa Nakate, speaking at COP28 earlier today, highlighted what needs to happen to stop the ever increasing damage from climate change. 

"The first thing we should do to reduce loss and damage is to stop digging up and burning new coal, oil and gas. All of the flashy announcements about promised funding and scaling renewables and tree planting will sadly mean little if countries continue to expand fossil fuel development," she said.

"The success of COP28 will not depend on speeches on big stages. The success of COP28 will not depend upon piling new fancy promises on top of old broken promises. The success of COP28 will depend upon whether or not leaders have the courage to call for for a just and equitable phase out of all fossil fuels, without excuses and exceptions," she added.

Read more about UNEP's climate action work here. 

06 Dec 2023 11:30

Watch Now: launch of Buildings Breakthrough

Toronto skyline
Unsplash/Zia Syed

The Buildings Breakthrough aims to have near-zero emission and resilient buildings as the new normal by 2030. It also aims to strengthen international collaboration to transition towards this goal, a vital aim given the buildings and construction sector is currently responsible for 37 per cent of energy-related CO2 emissions.

So far, 27 countries have joined the Buildings Breakthrough and it is hoped more will join during COP28.

Read more about the Buildings Breakthrough here. 

05 Dec 2023 23:10

Today's Events: Digital Day

COP28 visitor
COP28/Anthony Fleyhan

Digital day will serve as catalyst to mobilize governments, businesses, academia, investors and start-ups to drive a step-change in the development and deployment of technological climate solutions to bring the world back to a 1.5°C trajectory and reduce suffering for the most impacted populations and ecosystems.

COP28 Ministerial meeting on urbanization and climate change

Co-hosted by the COP28 Presidency, UN-Habitat and the UN Climate Change High-Level Champion for COP28, the second Ministerial Meeting on Urbanization and Climate Change will be today's high-level event. The meeting will gather Ministers of Housing, Urban Development, Environment Finance; local and regional leaders; financial institutions and NGOs to articulate a range of multilevel actions for sustainable urbanisation across sectors including buildings, waste, transport, water, energy, and nature.

Time: 09.30-12.00pm

UNEP Pavilion: Harmonizing environmental data: Towards a Global environmental data strategy

This event will explore what has been done so far in the development of a Global Environmental Data Strategy, identify gaps and opportunities, and showcase how the work of the Data for the Environment Alliance is shaping up future opportunities.

Time: 10.30-11.15am

Watch here.

UNEP event: Climate adaptation in Asia-Pacific: Enhancing coastal resilience in Bangladesh and Vietnam

This event will bring together experts from Bangladesh and Vietnam to discuss coastal adaptation priorities in their countries. The aim is not only to bring out the challenges in attracting larger financial packages but also to create a sustainable delivery model to

channel scaled-up finance.

Time: 11.30-12.30pm

UNEP Pavilion: Global Data for Climate Action

This event will explore the merits and challenges of utilising international data sources for driving action and monitoring the environment and climate change, as well as strategies to connect sets of data, in particular through the World Environment Situation Room. Uncover how partnerships can harmonise data collection efforts, foster transparency and interoperability to ultimately strengthen climate protection, and gain insights on the current state of global environmental data.

Time: 11.45-12.30pm

Watch here.

UNEP Pavilion: Gaming for climate: Gamification, digital literacy & behaviour change

The event will explore the transformative role of digitalization in driving sustainable behaviour change. In the face of pressing environmental challenges, this event will delve into how digital technologies, such as AI, social media, and virtual reality, can be harnessed to inspire and guide individuals towards more environmentally conscious choices.

Time: 13.00-13.45pm

Watch here.

UNEP event: Local Ecosystem Restoration for Nature-Positive Cities and Regions

Local Ecosystem Restoration for Nature Positive Cities and Regions aims to be a pivotal gathering for local and subnational governments, rallying them to commit to sustainable, nature-positive policies. This event seeks to advance the call to action for nature positive development, a crucial strategy in tackling urgent environmental crises. By showcasing existing tools and announcing projects – and the policies that enable them – the event aims to draw policymakers focus on the opportunities they have for sustainably manage land, protect biodiversity, and bolster climate resilience.

Time: 15.00-16.30pm

Watch here.

UNEP event: Innovative technologies in mitigation and land restoration: finding solutions for accelerated uptake

This event will shed light on how innovation and technology contribute to mitigation efforts in agriculture and challenging-to-abate industrial sectors such as steel and cement. Additionally, it will explore their role in land restoration and terrestrial habitat conservation. 

Time: 15.00-16.30pm

UNEP Pavilion: AI for climate: exploring use cases

The event will explore and showcase how AI and related technologies can be harnessed to tackle climate challenges, such as predictive modelling, climate data analysis, and optimising resource management. It will also discuss the potential negative effect of unregulated AI on the climate and reinforce the importance of ethics. Finally, it will explore the transformative potential of AI in addressing climate change challenges.

Time: 15.15-16.00pm

Watch here.

UNEP Pavilion: National digital strategies and digital public infrastructure for climate action

This event explores the transformative potential of National Digital Strategies and Digital Public Infrastructure (DPIs) for Climate Action. DPI refers to solutions and systems that empower the effective delivery of crucial society-wide functions and services in the public and private sectors. The panel will discuss the role of National Digital Strategies and DPIs to drive climate action, as well as exchange success stories that illustrate the opportunities presented by digital transformation.

Time: 16.30-17.15pm

Watch here.

05 Dec 2023 21:08

The week so far in pictures

As a very busy COP28 builds momentum towards the final weekend, we select some of the more interesting photos of the week so far.

man at COP28
COP28/Anthony Fleyhan
Stage at COP28
UN Climate Change/Amira Grotendiek
COP28 protest
COP28/Mahmoud Khaled
COP28 visitors
COP28/Anthony Fleyhan
Indigenous woman at COP28
COP28/Mahmoud Khaled
COP28 visitor
UN Climate Change/Amira Grotendiek
concert pianist at COP28
COP28/Anthony Fleyhan


05 Dec 2023 18:16

Peatlands event highlights its crucial role in climate action

Unsplash/Sean Kinnear

Peatlands are a vital tool in the fight against climate change. While peatlands – also known as bogs – take up only around 3 per cent of global land area, they store over 33 per cent of the world’s soil carbon, more than the carbon stored in all other vegetation combined.

They are also home to a diverse amount of wildlife, flora and fauna and provide natural flood mitigation and water storage and filtration.

Yet recent decades have seen peatlands damaged and degraded by drainage, agricultural conversion, burning and mining for fuel, the result of undervaluation of its ecosystem and economic contributions.

On Friday at COP28, the Global Peatlands Initiative will be hosting an event presenting the latest peatlands knowledge in order to assess progress towards towards the Paris Agreement goals and analysis of their role in country’s national climate plans. Innovative approaches, policy and funding initiatives to scale up climate action will also be showcased.

Learn more about this event here.

05 Dec 2023 16:46

Watch soon: launch of the Global Cooling Pledge

COP28/Christopher Pike

The Global Cooling Pledge has been included in the list of nine non-negotiated declarations, pledges, and charters that constitute key outcomes for the COP28 Presidential Action Agenda.

It aims to raise ambition and international cooperation through collective global targets to reduce cooling related emissions by 68 per cent from today by 2050, significantly increase access to sustainable cooling by 2030, and increase the global average efficiency of new air conditioners by 50 per cent. 

Watch the event live here.

05 Dec 2023 15:34

The salt-loving tree helping protect Mozambique from climate change

women planting mangroves
UNEP/Artan Jama

While much of the focus of COP28 is rightly on fossil fuel producers – both companies and governments – and whether they will agree to a "phase out" of fossil fuel, production, around the world there are projects tackling the ever increased impacts of fossil fuel emissions. 

Much of these projects are centred around nature – and nature-based solutions are a tried and tested way of adapting to the climate crisis. 

One such project in Mozambique see 22 women replanting mangrove trees in Mozambique. The UNEP-led project aims to revive the district’s once-thriving mangrove forests, many of which have fallen victim to logging and cyclones.

Read the full article here. 

05 Dec 2023 14:24

The ocean is hotter than ever. Here's why.

UNEP/Matt Hardy

It has been another year of extreme weather, with everything from record temperatures to devastating floods hammering countries around the world. But one of the most worrying trends has been what scientists have called an unprecedented planet-wide ocean heatwave.

June saw the highest ever average global ocean surface temperatures, with local records being set from Ireland to Antarctica. In Florida, waters reached 38°C. The North Atlantic recorded its hottest ever temperature in July. And the Mediterranean Sea hit 28.7°C, an all-time high.

So, why are marine temperatures reaching unprecedented levels? 

Read the full article here. 

05 Dec 2023 14:09

Air conditioners help fuel the climate crisis – can nature help?

Air conditioning units
Unsplash/Dewi Karuniasih

After another year of record-breaking temperatures, more and more of us are using air conditioners to cool down. Yet, the widespread use of ACs is actually driving up temperatures by feeding the climate crisis, which could leave up to three-quarters of humans exposed to periods of life-threatening heat and humidity by 2100.

So, can cities adapt to rising temperatures without resorting to air conditioning?

Read the full article here.

05 Dec 2023 13:08

New report highlights how cooling industry can cut emissions

Cooling report 2023

Today's launch of UNEP's Global Cooling Watch 2023 report highlights how the world can achieve near zero emissions from the cooling industry, which included air conditioners, refrigerators and district cooling systems.

The report lays out sustainable cooling measures in three areas: passive cooling, higher-energy efficiency standards, and a faster phase down of climate-warming refrigerants. The report is released in support of the Global Cooling Pledge, a joint initiative between the UAE and the Cool Coalition. 

UNEP Executive Director, Inger Andersen highlighted the fact that while the cooling sector will grow, emissions from the sector need to fall: "The cooling sector must grow to protect everyone from rising temperatures, maintain food quality and safety, keep vaccines stable and economies productive. These are all essential elements of sustainable development. But business as usual growth would double the sector’s greenhouse gas emissions by 2050, which is an outcome we must avoid."

Read the full report here.