An independent Foresight Expert Panel was established, in cooperation with the International Science Council, to support identify and evaluate emerging issues and signals of change.
The Expert Panel participated in a Sensemaking Workshop in September 2023 to review the data collected through the recent UNEP Foresight Delphi Survey with the view to providing the necessary sensemaking to identify the strengths, gaps and any additional guidance on the way forward.
The Panel worked through a structured debate to:
- review, adjust and to prioritize the initial issues and signals and identified phenomena that were gleaned from the survey; and
- to connect the issues from the Horizon Scanning to the set of UNEP scenario narratives that aim to provide a structure or framing for the issues and signals identified through the Horizon Scanning exercise.
The Expert Panel will ultimately support the attribution of Horizon Scanning issues and signals to specific scenarios as well as identifying where issues and signals from the Horizon Scanning may fall out of or challenge the meta-frame, and how the meta-frame may have to be further developed or adjusted.
At its second Sensemaking Workshop in March 2024, the panel reviewed the collection of signals of change provided through its 6 regional foresight workshops and prioritized those which would be carried forward as input into the second Delphi Survey, launched in early April 2024.