Environmental education

The Environmental Training Network of Latin America and the Caribbean

The Environmental Training Network of Latin America and the Caribbean is an intergovernmental platform that aims to strengthen the regional exchange of knowledge and experiences on environmental education, under the coordination of the UN Environment Programme (UNEP).

The network brings together the environmental education directors of the Environment Ministries of more than 20 countries in Latin America and the Caribbean.

History and mandates of the network

The network, established in the 1980s, is a unique intergovernmental space on environmental education in Latin America and the Caribbean. Its work is defined by the Environment Ministers of the region.

The Environmental Education Decision adopted at the XX Meeting of the Forum of Ministers of Environment of Latin America and the Caribbean (Cartagena, Colombia, 2016) consolidated the commitment with environmental education as a key element to transform values, behaviors and visions.

During the XXI Meeting of the Forum of Ministers of Environment of Latin America and the Caribbean (Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2018), in the Declaration of Buenos Aires, the countries agreed: “To strengthen environmental education as a cross-cutting issue and provide more support to the Environmental Training Network of Latin America and the Caribbean to promote cooperation in the exchange of experiences among the countries of the region, generating synergies with other initiatives and networks that promote environmental education”. Each year, the members of the network create a list of recommendations to the Ministers of Environment. The most recent were produced at the annual meetings in Uruguay and Ecuador.

Following on its mandate, the network complies with the 2019-2020 Work Plan, which focuses on the following areas: training and research; monitoring and reporting of indicators; advocacy; coordination with universities; communication, information and south-south cooperation; coordination with other initiatives and sectors; and funding.


Find here information on the meetings and progress of the network.

Focal points

Directors of environmental education in the Ministries of Environment serve as national focal points to the network. See the list of focal points.


UNEP, through its Global Education Program, has the mission to inspire the next generation of climate action leaders. The Youth and Education Alliance (YEA!), formerly GUPES, connects universities and youth organizations in favor of sustainability.

The network maintains close coordination with other regional and national university networks with the aim of promoting synergies between universities and the Ministries of Environment, and promote the role of academy in the efforts to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. Within this framework, the network continuously cooperates with the Alliance of Iberoamerican University Networks for Sustainability and the Environment (ARIUSA).

Latest updates

Find the latest updates on environmental education in the Environmental Training Network Facebook page and newsletters:

Newsletter II-2019

Newsletter I-2019