Beakers and glass bottles in a lab.

Safe and sustainable chemicals management 

UNEP develops tools, facilitates dialogues and provides technical support to help stakeholders in government, the private sector, academia and civil society work together towards the sustainable and safe management of chemicals.

Achieving a planet free of harm from chemicals and waste requires multi-stakeholder action to improve chemicals management. 

Chemicals are an integral part of the materials and products used every day around the world.

The Global Framework on Chemicals adopted in 2023 intends to build countries' capacities to better manage their chemicals and waste to protect human health and the environment.

UNEP engages stakeholders to identify issues of concern on chemicals and to improve information on chemicals in products.

To strengthen the science-policy interface, UNEP is facilitating the establishment of a science policy panel on chemicals and waste.

UNEP supports stakeholders to better manage chemicals along their life-cycle and achieve the vision of the Global Framework on Chemicals: A planet free of harm from chemicals and waste for a safe, healthy, and sustainable future


The work of UNEP on safe and sustainable chemicals management is led by the Chemicals and Health Branch.

Last updated: 24 Mar 2025, 11:39