Snowy mountain peak

Special Programme

The Special Programme, also known as the Chemicals and Waste Management Programme, supports institutional strengthening at the national level for the sound management of chemicals and waste.

The Special Programme provides funding for institutional strengthening for the sound management of chemicals and waste. 

Funding is provided to developing countries, taking into account the needs of least developed countries and small island developing states, and for countries with economies in transition.

The Executive Board approves funding applications. Approved projects usually have budgets of up to US$250,000 over 3 years, but it is possible, subject to additional appraisal criteria, to request up to $500,000. "

Special programme highlights
Chemicals & pollution action
Press release
Chemicals & pollution action
Chemicals & pollution action
Map showing geographic distribution of Special Programme country projects
Special Programme country projects
Chemicals & pollution action
Multilateral Environmental Agreements

The Special Programme was established to facilitate and enable the implementation of the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions, the Minamata Convention and the Global Framework on Chemicals. 


Katherine Theotocatos

Coordinator of the Special Programme Secretariat

Last updated: 29 Jan 2025, 11:29