Civil society engagement

Civil Society Engagement

UN Environment Programme (UNEP) recognizes the importance of engaging Major Groups and other Stakeholders as partners and appreciates the perspectives they bring to the table, valuable research and advocacy functions they perform and their role in helping foster long-term, broad-based support for UNEP’s mission.

Intergovernmental decisions will have stronger and broader recognition and support by the public if governments take Major Groups and other Stakeholders views into account as early as possible in policy-making and decision-making processes. Major Groups and other Stakeholders also play a direct role in the formation of policy as researchers, think-tanks, and watchdogs, or through advocacy.

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Major Groups and Stakeholders are currently engaged in the following processes


Issue No. 49: Breaking Down EPR Policy and Why it Makes a Difference for Recycling System Change

In issue 49 of Perspectives, the Recycling Partnership's comprehensive analysis of worldwide EPR programs underscores the potential impact of this policy in the U.S.

See all perspectives


On the following page you will find a multitude of resources such as publications, guidelines and policy documents, stories, press releases and events related to the work of UNEP

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Accredited organizations

Major Groups and Stakeholders can get directly involved with UNEP by applying for Accreditation to UNEP and be granted consultative status to the Committee of Permanent Representative and UNEA. Learn more

Contact us

For further enquiries, contact the Civil Society Unit:


Phone: +254 20 76 24500

Last updated: 21 Mar 2025, 10:53