Participation and engagement

Major groups and stakeholders are key in implementing the mandate of UNEP, and actively contributing to the United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA) and its subsidiary bodies.  

Decision 27/2 of the UNEP Governing Council called for active participation of all relevant stakeholders to UNEA, particularly those from developing countries, and the effective engagement of civil society in the work of the Assembly and its subsidiary bodies.  

Further clarification regarding the observer role of international non-governmental organizations has been outlined in Rule 70 of the rules of procedure of the Environment Assembly

Accredited organizations can: 

  • Engage in the regions, taking part in the Regional Consultative Meetings and other regional activities 

  • Engage with the CPR as observers during the in meetings of the Committee of Permanent Representatives , including the Open-Ended Committee of Permanent Representatives (OECPR) meetings, the annual subcommittee meetings, subcommittee meetings, quarterly meetings and briefings, with the possibility of providing oral and written comments