While decision-making within UNEP is the prerogative of Member States, non-governmental organizations accredited to UNEP may participate as observers in meetings of the Committee of Permanent Representatives , including the Open-Ended Committee of Permanent Representatives (OECPR) meeting, the annual subcommittee meeting, subcommittee meetings, quarterly meetings and briefings. Notice will be given if meetings are to be held privately. 

A calendar of these meetings can be found on the CPR meeting page. Most of those meetings are webcast. 

CPR meetings provide Major Groups and Stakeholders with opportunities to influence agenda-setting and decision-making processes as Major Groups and Stakeholders are able to make oral interventions at the discretion of the Chair and submit written interventions through the UNEP Secretariat. Designated seats are allocated to the nine Major Groups in all CPR meetings.  

Accredited Major Groups and Stakeholders intending to attend a CPR meeting must notify the UNEP Secretariat/Civil Society Unit at least two days in advance for security and access arrangements.  

Each accredited organization to UNEP is entitled 3 ground passes for three colleagues from the accredited organization, to allow them access UNON complex to attend the CPR meetings. The requests for the ground passes are sent to the Civil Society Unit for approval. It's important that the three nominated colleagues for the ground passes are based in Nairobi for ease of reach to the UNON complex in Nairobi. 

More information on the CPR and its calendar is available on the Committee of Permanent Representatives page