UNEP’s Major Groups Facilitating Committee (MGFC) is composed of two facilitators per Major Group and two Regional Facilitators per UNEP regions. In total the MGFC has 30 members.

Major Groups Facilitators

Each Major Group selects two facilitators in an email consultation and online voting process. The nine Major Groups are as follows: 

  • Farmers
  • Women
  • The Scientific and Technological Community
  • Children and Youth
  • Indigenous Peoples and their Communities
  • Workers, and Trade Unions
  • Business and Industry
  • Non-Governmental Organizations
  • Local Authorities

All Major Groups and Stakeholders (MGS)' organizations accredited to the United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA) of UNEP are authorized to take part in the voting for their members of the MGFC. The elected facilitators serve a two-year term on the MGFC.

Regional Facilitators

In a similar fashion, two facilitators for each UNEP region are elected. These are as follows:

  • Africa
  • Asia and the Pacific
  • Europe
  • Latin America and the Caribbean
  • North America
  • West Asia

MGFC co-chairs

The work of the MGFC is facilitated by at least two co-chairs that are identified among the MGFC members by the MGFC itself.

Functions of the MGFC

The MGFC serves as the formal venue and main interface for facilitating MGS engagement in UNEP’s governance. It also supports communication between MGS and UNEP (represented by its Civil Society Unit).

The work of MGFC members is guided by UNEP’s Stakeholder Engagement Handbook. In addition, there may also be internal Terms of References (TORs), or guidelines agreed upon among the Major Groups and/or Regions.

The work of the MGFC includes the following:

  • Provides support to MGS on logistics, and foster understanding of the UNEA/UNEP process so that MGS can maximize their presence in such processes.
  • Supports MGS to operate within the rules of engagement and procedure that UNEP has set up.
  • Provides guidance and locates expertise to develop policy positions representing the best contributions from the MGS constituencies relevant to the agenda of UNEA.
  • Organizes regular teleconferences, face-to-face meetings (e.g. during UNEA), Regional Consultative Meetings (RCMs), Global Major Groups and Stakeholders Forum (GMGSF), etc.

Meetings between MGFC and UNEP

Teleconferences (virtual meetings) should take place at least every two months and could be either initiated by UNEP or the co-chairs of the MGFC.

Agenda and minutes of these meetings can be found here.

The agenda of the teleconference is determined in advance and finalized by the Chairpersons of the MGFC, in consultation with UNEP and members of the MGFC. The members of the MGFC shall consult with accredited organizations for any further agenda items.

The agenda will be uploaded prior to the meeting on UNEP’s website at least 3 working days (if possible) and MGFC members must also inform accredited organizations by sharing the link to the agenda.