Major Groups and Stakeholders have been key contributors to the implementation the mandate of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) for almost 50 years. UNEP strives to ensure effective, broad and balanced participation of Major Groups and Stakeholders by partnering with the following nine Major Groups:
Business and industry
Children and Youth
Farmers, including small-scale farmers and fishers, pastoralists and foresters, can make important contributions to sustainable development through production activities that are environmentally sound, enhance food security and the livelihood of the poor, and invigorate production and sustained economic growth.
Indigenous peoples and their communities
Local authorities
Local Governments, represented by the Local Authority Major Group, have an important role in environmental matters and can help to implement global agreements, influence policy and also contribute to safeguarding global common goods. Being close to people and local issues, they are important partners for implementation.
Non-governmental organizations
The Scientific and Technological Community
Women, play a vital role in achieving sustainable development through promoting gender equality and women’s empowerment. Women stand at the front-line in terms of poverty, yet they provide invaluable contributions to sustaining communities around the world and managing the Earth’s biodiversity and natural resources.
Workers and Trade unions
To facilitate engagement and to ensure representation, each Major Group elects two facilitators. These 18 facilitators compose UNEP’s Major Groups Facilitating Committee (MGFC). The MGFC is not a decision-making body but it provides guidance and coordinates the engagement of Major Groups with UNEP.
It is supported by 12 Regional Facilitators (two for each of the six UNEP regions) who participate as observers in the MGFC meetings.
Other resources:
More information on how Major Groups and Stakeholders are influencing the 2030 Agenda at the UN level can be found on the main Major Groups and Other Stakeholders website.