Civil Society Current Affairs

UNEP Guidelines for Major Groups and Stakeholders Engagement at Ministerial Fora on the Environment and other Intergovernmental Meetings at the Regional Level

In engaging Major Groups and Stakeholder at the regional level, UNEP has in the past applied different approaches. In order to ensure a more unified and meaningful approach to engaging Major Groups and Stakeholders in the intergovernmental decision-making process at the regional level and to maintain high standards for such engagement, UNEP has developed the “UNEP Guidelines for Major Groups and Stakeholders Engagement at Ministerial Fora on the Environment and Other Intergovernmental Meetings at the Regional Level” with input from Major Groups and Stakeholders, UNEP Regional Offices and others.

The (non-binding) guidelines present how MGS engagement may be organized at the regional level and sub-regional level in line with applicable UNEP or UN rules and regulations. Furthermore, these guidelines present recommendations for organizing Major Groups and Stakeholder engagement for activities that are not covered by these rules and regulations. They also help ensure that - in line with “The Future We Want” - best practices for stakeholder engagement are applied. Furthermore, the guidelines may serve as reference points when discussing stakeholder engagement mechanisms with Member States and Major Groups.

It is our intention to review them after a test period of approximately one year. We encourage Major Groups to share their views with us.

African Major Groups and Stakeholder Meeting on Outcomes of the UNEA-5.2

The African Major Groups and Stakeholder Meeting on Outcomes of the UNEA-5.2 took place from 20 to 21 June 2022 in Rabat, Morocco. The conference brought together accredited and none-organization from Africa. It was held at the Hassan II International Center for Environmental Training.

The meeting was hosted and co-sponsored by the Mohammed VI Foundation for Environmental Protection and supported by the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) and the Africa Network for Animal Welfare (ANAW). It was held in a hybrid format with Major Groups from Africa being able to connect online.

The meeting saw some 55 participants from across Africa join in person and some 20 more join the meeting virtually. It was formally opened by Mrs. Nouzha ALAOUI, Secretary-General, Mohammed VI Foundation for Environmental Protection, Her Excellency Mrs. Leila BENALI, Minister of energy transition and sustainable development, Kingdom of Morocco, President of UNEA 6, Mr. Alexandre JURAS, Chief, Civil Society Unit, United Nations Environment Programme and Mr. Josphat NGONYO, Founder & Executive Director, Africa Network for Animal Welfare.

Major Groups reiterated their commitment to support the UNEA-6 presidency and work together to push for more implementation of the resolutions. The meeting used a unique and participative approach to explore new areas of partnerships between UNEP and African Major Groups and Stakeholders. It also demonstrated the importance for African MGS to work with Member States and the Private Sector as well as Media to accelerate the implementation of AMCEN and UNEA resolutions.

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Agreement Signed as United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) Renews Cooperation with Africa Network for Animal Welfare (ANAW)

The UN Environment Programme and the Africa Network for Animal Welfare (ANAW) have renewed their partnership by the signing of the Cooperation Agreement for three (3) years on June 2, 2022. This agreement will take the successful cooperation of ANAW with UNEP and its governing bodies, in particular the United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA), to a new level, thus contributing to achieving the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. It builds on a previous agreement signed on August 19, 2019 and aims at building the capacity of Major Groups and Stakeholders, including civil society in Africa.

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Make your voice heard! Be the next author for the PERSPECTIVES publication

The Civil Society Unit managing the "PERSPECTIVES" publication series which is a platform for Major Groups and Stakeholders (MGS) to present their views (and not necessarily UNEP's views) on issues they find important (see

"PERSPECTIVES" issues are usually 8 - 10 pages long, including pictures and graphs, and are written in a language and style that is plain and easy to understand. They are widely distributed by UNEP electronically.

We would like to invite MGS organizations (UNEP-accredited or NOT) to suggest topics / titles and authors for the "PERSPECTIVES" publications for the 2022-2023, and 2023-2024 cycles.

Topics could be related but not limited to:

The triple environmental crisis (climate, pollution, loss of biodiversity), environmental impact of conflicts, renewable energy, outcomes of UNEA 5, the role of certain stakeholders, emerging issues, how to achieve more implementation of decisions, new approaches to environmental governance, Principle 10, the Plastic Treaty, mobility, migration and environment etc.

Kindly not that UNEP will not be able to provide any honorary.

We would be grateful if you could send your suggested topics / titles and authors to by 31 August 2022.

UNEP will review the received proposals and will get back within a month.


On 2 and 3 June 2022, a crucial international environmental meeting was held in Stockholm, Sweden. Anchored in the Decade of Action, under the theme “Stockholm+50: a healthy planet for the prosperity of all – our responsibility, our opportunity,” this high-level meeting followed months of consultations and discussions with individuals, communities, organizations and governments around the world. To deliver the Sustainable Development Goals, including the 2030 Agenda, Paris Agreement on climate change, the post-2020 global Biodiversity Framework, and encourage the adoption of green post-COVID-19 recovery plans. Please check this website:

Major Groups Engagement Stockholm+50

In the same vein as the 1972 Stockholm Conference, the engagement of civil society and a broad variety of stakeholders was at the heart of Stockholm+50 in 2022. Major Groups and Stakeholders have contributed to all relevant processes on the way to Stockholm+50: 1. As a preparation for civil society engagement in the Stockholm+50 process, Stakeholder Forum for a Sustainable Future, in cooperation with ForUM Norway, organized a set of webinars on the legacy of Stockholm. A dedicated website was set up for this purpose.

Besides 7 interesting webinars, the organizers also produced the peoples’ narrative, based on outcomes of the webinars and the regional consultations. Please check these websites for more information and


Major Groups Engagement with Stockholm+50

In addition to all the many national and regional consultations and webinars to which major groups and stakeholders are invited to engage and contribute to, there are also events and webinars organized by major groups and stakeholders of civil society for anybody interested to join, participate and contribute to.

As preparation for your engagement in the Stockholm+50 process, Stakeholder Forum for a Sustainable Future, in cooperation with ForUM Norway, organized a set of webinars on the legacy of Stockholm. A dedicated website was set up for this purpose.

Several topics were discussed by experts to better understand the history, the achievements and future challenges of 50 years of environmental policies. Besides 7 interesting webinars, the organizers also drafted a peoples’ narrative, based on outcomes of the webinars and the regional consultations, which was debated on 10-11 of May (virtual).

Please check this website: to keep yourself updated an all actions and also see listing all planned events in April and May 2022. Kindly follow the registration links to the webinars we organized.

For any questions please contact: 

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The resumed Fifth Session of the United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA-5)

The resumed Fifth Session of the United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA-5) took place on a hybrid format in Nairobi on 28 February – 2 March 2022. The overall theme for UNEA-5 is “Strengthening Actions for Nature to Achieve the Sustainable Development Goals”.

Please find more details on the outcomes of the Assembly on the following link:

MGS in UNEA-5.1

  • Click here to read the outcomes of UNEA-5.1.
  • Online Global Major Groups and Stakeholder Forum (GMGSF) prior to UNEA 5.1

Date: 9-11 February 2021, online

Organized by: Major Groups and Stakeholders (MGS)Accredited to UNEP, under the lead of the Major Groups Facilitating Committee (MGFC)

What: Consultations of Major Groups and Stakeholders (MGS) prior to the Open-Ended Meeting of the Committee of Permanent Representatives to UNEP (OECPR, February 15-16, 2021, might be extended) and the first session of UNEA 5 (February 22-23, 2021), covering the following themes:


    UNEP Mid-Term Strategy

    UNEP Program of Work

    UNEP @ 50

    Stockholm + 50

    Main messages from MGS to UNEA


MGS in OECPR and UNEA 5.1

Statements by Major Groups and Stakeholders to the OECPR and UNEA-5.1 February 2021 here


Youth Environment Assembly (YEA)

Global Youth Environment Assembly is the official youth forum toward the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) and UN Environment Assembly (UNEA). The first YEA of 2021 took place on 12, 13 and 18, 19, 20 February.

The Assembly comprised of sessions on variety of environmental topics, interactive segments, regional and thematic breakouts, dedicated plenary sessions and a high-level segments featuring dialogues between environment ministers and youth.


MGS in UNEA 5.2

  • Online Major Groups and Stakeholders (MGS) International Consultation. 7-9 September 2021. Read more, please visit this link.
  • Regional Consultative Meetings (RCM) in Africa, Asia and the Pacific, Europe, Latin America and the Caribbeans, North America, and West Asia. September – November 2021. Read more, please visit this link
  • Online Global Major Groups and Stakeholders Forum (GMGSF). 7-10 February 2022. For more information, please visit this link.
  • 5th Open-Ended Committee of Permanent Representatives (OECPR), 16 February 2022.

    Chaired by:

    H.E. Mr. Fernando Estellita Lins de Salvo Coimbra, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Brazil;  

  • Faith-based organizations activities towards UNEA 5.2

    UNEP Faith for Earth ran a series of online dialogue sessions during the period 21 February – 4 March 2022 with around 24 sessions with a focus on faith-based engagement. Each session was 90 minutes and engaged several speakers. They covered different topics and ongoing activities ranging from meaning engagement at UNEA to food systems, ecosystem restoration, sustainable cities, and others, and served as opportunities for faith actors to engage in dialogue with diverse stakeholders and enhance their contributions to Agenda 30 and the work of UN Environment Programme. For further information about a session, please contact Euan McCartney (



UNEP@50 and the UNEP We Want

Under the leadership of the Scientific and Technological Major Group, and the Children and Youth Major Group, Major Groups and Stakeholders (MGS) have prepared a report presenting the views from MGS from all over the world on the UNEP they want. 

UNEP@50 will be a time to review the effort coordinated by UNEP for 50 years to confront the planet’s environmental challenges. A series of commemoration activities will take place and UNEP cherishes MGS’ activity engagement in the process.

Coordinated by a UNEP @ 50 Taskforce that is led by the Scientific and Technological, and the Children and Youth Major Groups, MGS will contribute to UNEP@50 by preparing and publishing the report “The UNEP We Want”. A broad consultation process and large-scale survey were put in place to maximize the participation of civil society organizations and representatives and to collect their perspectives and expectations on UNEP’s 50-year commemoration.

The MGS Joint Statement “The UNEP We Want” can be found here

The Final Unedited Draft “The UNEP We Want Report” can be found here.

Building Meaningful and Effective Engagement by Major Groups and Stakeholders (MGS) with UNEA 5.2 and UNEP: A Webinar for UNEP MGS - Capacity Building for UNEA 5.2

To prepare Major Groups and Stakeholders (MGS) to engage effectively in UNEA 5.2, with support from UNEP, the Stakeholder Forum for a Sustainable Future ( organized a series of training for all six regions in the 4th quarter of 2021.

The  ArabicFrench, and Spanish language versions of the webinar recordings are now available along with the English language versions. Recordings of all five webinars can be found on the Stakeholder Forum for a Sustainable Future website’s SF Webinars page.

The presentation in English and Spanish are ready, with a translation into French to follow soon.

UNEP@50 and the UNEP We Want

UNEP@50 – "The UNEP We Want" Report from Major Groups and Stakeholders (MGS)

Under the leadership of the Scientific and Technological Major Group, and the Children and Youth Major Group, Major Groups and Stakeholders (MGS) are preparing a report presenting the views from MGS from all over the world on the UNEP they want. 

UNEP@50 will be a time to review the effort coordinated by UNEP for 50 years to confront the planet’s environmental challenges. A series of commemoration activities will take place and UNEP cherishes MGS’ activity engagement in the process.

Coordinated by a UNEP @ 50 Taskforce that is led by the Scientific and Technological, and the Children and Youth Major Groups, MGS will contribute to UNEP@50 by preparing and publishing the report “The UNEP We Want”. A broad consultation process and large-scale survey were put in place to maximize the participation of civil society organizations and representatives and to collect their perspectives and expectations on UNEP’s 50-year commemoration.

International, regional and sub-regional meetings at which civil society comes together will be utilized to collect input to the report (e.g. AMCEN).

The UNEP @ 50 Task Force has also conducted a Snapshot survey to collect MGS’ views on UNEP’s past achievement as well as their expectations for the future.

The Report is expected to be available by the end of 2021 and launched at the UNEP @ 50 commemoration in February 2022.

For more information on “The UNEP We Want”, please visit this website, or contact:

  • Stephen Stec,, Central European University (Science and Technological Major Group)
  • Yugratna Srivastava,, Plant-for-the-Planet Foundation (Children and Youth Major Group)


The year 2022 will mark the 50th anniversary of the establishment of the UN Environment Programme (UNEP). The decision to establish UNEP was taken in Stockholm in 1972 during the first UN meeting at which civil society organizations had the right to address the Member States directly. Since then, civil society has played a key role in the development of UNEP’s strategies and outputs and in their reach and impact.

UNEP’s 50th anniversary (UNEP@50) is an occasion for celebration as well as reflection on UNEP’s key accomplishments over the last half-century. Even more significantly, UNEP@50 is an opportunity to look forward to and help shape UNEP’s next 50 years!

The Scientific and Technological Community Major Group and the Children and Youth Major Group are leading the publication of a “UNEP We Want” report. Thank you for sharing your view for this report in the survey. Please stay tuned for the update of the report here.

UNEA 5.2 Major Groups and Stakeholders Clusters

Organized by: Major Groups and Stakeholders (MGS) Accredited to UNEP, under the lead of cluster facilitators and with support of the Major Group Facilitating Committee (MGFC).

What: Consultations of Major Groups and Stakeholders (MGS) prior to UNEA 5.2 (February 2022), covering the following clusters:

  1. Nature for Poverty Eradication, Jobs and Economic Prosperity
  2. Nature for Human and Ecosystem Health (including role of UNEA 5.2 in COVID 19 recovery)
  3. Nature for Climate
  4. Nature for Sustainable Food Systems
  5. Environmental Governance (including in the light of the COVID 19)
  6. UNEP@50
  7. Stockholm+50

Facilitation: The clusters and consultations are self-organized by Major Groups, with the following people as facilitators:

  1. Nature for Poverty Eradication, Jobs and Economic Prosperity:
  1. Nature for Human and Ecosystem Health (including role of UNEA 5 in COVID 19 recovery):
  1. Nature for Climate:
  1. Nature for Sustainable Food Systems:
  1. Environmental Governance (including in the light of the COVID Pandemic):
  1. UNEP@50:
  1. Stockholm+50:
Last updated: 06 Jan 2025, 15:21