The Twinning Workshop for Montreal Protocol Officers, Energy-Efficiency Policy Makers, and Financial Mechanism Focal Points will use the well-established infrastructure of the regional network meetings to further engage one national energy efficiency policymaker and one focal point for a relevant financial mechanism per country to participate and follow up on the concept of “twinning” with the Montreal Protocol Officer from the same country to further advance energy-efficiency considerations
Through the Network Metting, UNEP will assist countries with achieving their HCFC phase-out and HFC phase-down targets, sustain those already met, and promote intraregional exchange to support the dual implementation of HPMPs and KIPs.
Through the Twinning workshop, the Caribbean countries will be able to advance energy-efficiency considerations in the Montreal Protocol implementation, including further Kigali HFC Implementation Pan (KIP) strategies.
The Thematic Network Meeting, UNEP will assist Caribbean Region Countries with implementing their HCFC phase-out, sustaining ozone-depleting substances (ODS) phase-out targets already met, preparing for the 2025 target and the total phase-out and promoting intraregional exchange to further the work being done for the phase down of HFCs under the Kigali Amendment.
Through the Pilot Training, the capacity of National Advanced Montreal Protocol Officers will be strengthened so they can effectively adjust their national Montreal Protocol compliance programmes to respond to the Kigali Amendment and incorporate energy-efficiency considerations into the refrigeration and air-conditioning sector.