Air quality management

UNEP supports governments at all levels to detect and reduce harmful and high emitting pollutants from key sectors such as agriculture, waste, fossil fuels, household energy, vehicles and cooling.

UNEP provides advisory services to governments to have measures, policies, or frameworks for air pollution control implementation and enforcement.

In response to UNEA resolutions, UNEP supports governments on air quality monitoring and affordable technologies; policy support in key air-polluting sectors; strengthening regional cooperation and knowledge sharing, and the development of robust awareness-raising strategies and advocacy.

Learn more about minimizing emissions from waste.


  1. UNEP partners with local Korean governments to combat air pollution
  2. Sustainable transport and air pollution
  3. Resolution 3/8: Preventing and reducing air pollution to improve air quality globally
  4. Resolution 1/7: Strengthening the role of the United Nations Environment Programme in promoting air quality
