Strengthening laws and standards

UNEP supports countries to develop effective legislative frameworks on ambient air quality.

Robust national systems of air quality governance, founded in legislation, which establish accountable, transparent, participatory and enforceable systems for air quality control and entrench State commitments are critical to achieving good air quality outcomes.

Efforts to attain World Health Organization ambient air quality guidelines and significantly reduce the impacts of air pollution to human health cannot succeed without a robust national legal and institutional foundation. Effective air quality management on the national level also enhances the control of transboundary air pollution issues. UNEP supports countries to improve their legislative frameworks through knowledge tools and tailored legal assistance.


  1. Delivering for People and the Planet: Fifth Montevideo Programme for the Development and Periodic Review of Environmental Law 
  2. Countries may request technical legal assistance on environmental law through the 'Law and Environment Assistance Platform' (LEAP)
  3. Guide on Ambient Air Quality Legislation - Air Pollution Series
  4. First Global Assessment of Air Pollution Legislation (GAAPL)


Last updated: 26 Feb 2024, 17:01