Technical Assistance

Initiative for Climate Action Transparency (ICAT)

The Initiative for Climate Action Transparency (ICAT) provides countries with tailored support and practical tools and methodologies to build the robust transparency frameworks needed for effective climate action in sync with national development priorities.

UNEP Copenhagen Climate Centre is an ICAT implementing partner, working directly with 39 developing countries with the goal of building and sustaining national expertiseand advancing transparency policies and frameworks to measure, report and verify emissions reductions, and monitor and evaluate adaptation action.

Through ICAT, the Centre also develops and maintains open-source tools and methodologies providing effective support to the transparency efforts of countries around the world. Some of these include policy assessment guides covering transformational change or sustainable development impacts of policies and actions.

As an example of ICAT country work, in Costa Rica, UNEP Copenhagen Climate Centre supported the development of the SINAMECC system, the National Climate Change Metrics System, specifically designed to improve evidence-based decision making on climate action and policy. It provides support for data collection and management, GHG inventory calculations and data storage, a mitigation and adaptation action registry, sustainable development impact analysis and related data visualizations.

Another example is the development of three guides allowing decision makers to assess climate change adaptation project proposals, enhance measurement and evaluation frameworks for adaptation activities to encompass local and non-State actors, and assess the impacts of losses and damages.

The guides were developed by UNEP Copenhagen Climate Centre with input from ICAT partner countries.

With a variety of support offers available, ICAT partner countries can choose the right mix of activities which best addresses their needs and national priorities.

UNEP support/resources:



The primary support modality of the CBIT-GSP is its ten different Transparency Networks through which support is provided to countries. The ten networks each have a dedicated space on the Climate Transparency Platform.

The Transparency Network activities include regional trainings, experience-sharing webinars, virtual workshops, and direct technical support activities to countries based on their priorities and needs. 

The CBIT-GSP project also offers various other support to countries, such as the quality review of country's transparency reports, the provision of a dedicated gender toolkit (forthcoming), global meetings, webinars, and knowledge products. 

UNEP support/resources:
