Green Economy Joint Programme (GEJP)

The objective of the Green Economy Joint Programme was to support a green economy transition in selected developing countries and Least Developed Countries (LDCs) – particularly Colombia, Ghana, Indonesia, Kenya, Mozambique and Rwanda – by building on the Rio+20 Conference of 2012 and supporting its themes and objectives. The GEJP was a result of the joint effort and collaboration of three UN agencies: United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA). It has been generously funded by the Directorate-General for International Cooperation (DGIS) of Netherlands and was started in 2011 and completed in 2016.

The Green Economy Joint Programme achieved several outputs, most notably the support that UN Environment provided on green economy to many of the above countries. UN Environment has organized green economy workshops that served as a medium for discussion and exchange of opinions on green economy. The latter has stimulated political engagement and public support for green economy at country levels. Three additional conferences were organized to help countries further maintain their regional and sub-regional consultation processes and  facilitate the identification of priorities within key economic sectors.

Additionally, the Green Economy Joint Programme helped four partner governments (Ghana, Kenya, Rwanda and Colombia) in promoting sustainable development policies. This intervention provided the listed countries with the support needed to adopt national strategies and policies on green economy. Three green economy studies have been delivered in Ghana, Kenya and Rwanda in order to explore the potential impacts of green investments and related policy reforms on inclusive growth, poverty reduction, job creation and environmental sustainability. Following the Rio 20+ Conference, the Green Economy Joint Programme scoping studies were expanded to two additional countries (Indonesia and Mozambique) and a green economy assessment was also prepared for Ghana.

Country profiles
