The secretariat convened regional meetings in advance of the second and third sessions of the of the ad hoc open-ended working group on a science-policy panel to contribute further to the sound management of chemicals and waste and to prevent pollution.
The regional meetings held in advance of OEWG 3.1 aimed to support delegates in their preparations for the session, by providing overviews of all official meeting documentation, including the compilation of proposals for the foundational elements necessary to establish a science-policy panel.
Africa Group Regional Meeting (29 - 30 May 2024, Accra, Ghana)
Provisional agenda / Meeting summary / Practical information / Summary of views expressed on the capacity-building function of the science-policy panel
Asia Pacific Regional Meeting (20 - 21 May 2024, Hangzhou, China)
Provisional agenda / Meeting slides / Meeting summary / Practical information / Children and Youth Major Group (CYMG) Intervention
Eastern European Group (EEG) Regional Consultation (21 May 2024, online)
Provisional agenda / Meeting summary
Latin America and the Caribbean Group (GRULAC) Regional Meeting (23-24 May 2024, Montevideo, Uruguay)
Provisional agenda / Meeting summary / Practical information
Western Europe and Other Groups (WEOG) Regional Consultation (8 May 2024, online)
Provisional agenda / Meeting Summary
The regional meetings and briefings held in advance of OEWG 2 aimed to support delegates in their preparations for strategic discussions at the second session of the group, including through presentations from the secretariat on the agenda, annotated agenda, scenario note, event logistics and all official meeting documentation.
Africa Group Regional Meeting (14 September 2023 Nairobi, Kenya
Provisional agenda / Meeting slides / Meeting summary
Asia Pacific Regional Meeting (7 September 2023, Bangkok, Thailand)
Provisional agenda / Meeting slides / Meeting summary
Eastern European Group (EEG) Regional Briefing (21 November 2023, online)
Provisional agenda / Meeting slides
Latin America and the Caribbean Group (GRULAC) Regional Meeting (7 October 2023, Brasilia, Brazil)
Provisional agenda / Meeting slides / Meeting summary
Western Europe and Other Groups (WEOG) Regional Briefing (8-9 November 2023, online)