In collaboration with the Geneva Environment Network (GEN), a series of webinars and special events was organised throughout the process of the ad hoc open-ended working group (OEWG) on a science-policy panel to contribute further to the sound management of chemicals and waste and to prevent pollution. The series aims to inform governments, non-government stakeholders and other interested parties about the OEWG process and progress towards the establishment of the new panel, and to prepare delegates for each working group session.
Road to OEWG 3.2
All Road to OEWG 3.2 webinars can be viewed here.
The Road to OEWG 3.2 series is currently ongoing, providing information on the status of negotiations at the close of the first part of the first part of the third session (OEWG 3.1), as laid out in the meeting report (UNEP/SPP-CWP/OEWG.3/5).
The secretariat organized an Information session on the Foundational Document and Rules of Procedure. The Foundational Document — the compilation of proposals for the establishment of the panel — sets out the panel’s objective and functions, operating principles and approaches, institutional arrangements, and evaluation mechanisms. The draft Rules of Procedure establishes the framework for decision-making and operational aspects of the panel, including as related to membership and protocols for conducting business during panel sessions.
A webinar was also organised on Strengthening scientists engagement: Shaping the future of chemicals, waste and prevention of pollution outlined how the broader scientific community including scientists, scientific institutions, networks and journals from all disciplines can engage with the future panel, targeting those that are not yet familiar with international science-policy work. It presented the state of OEWG negotiations as of September 2024, and elaborated on the different ways that scientists across the world can partake in the work of the future panel.
Another session shared insights relevant for the establishment of a science-policy panel on chemicals, waste and pollution prevention from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES). Speakers discussed how governments and stakeholders can engage in their processes; key roles and responsibilities as well as financial considerations for the successful functioning of a panel; and how governments and observers can participate in the work of science-policy panels.
Road to OEWG 3.1
All Road to OEWG 3.1 webinars can be viewed here.
A Record of Process: Towards a science-policy panel to contribute further to the sound management of chemicals and waste and to prevent pollution | 16 May 2024
At its 13th meeting held on 31 January 2024, the Bureau requested the Secretariat of the working group to develop an information document on the process to date towards a strengthened science-policy interface for the sound management of chemicals and waste and the prevention of pollution (CWP/OEWG.3/INF/6). This webinar presented an historical overview, tracking key milestones towards a science-policy panel dedicated to pollution back to 2013. Speakers from governments and the International Labour Organization (ILO), International Panel on Chemical Pollution (IPCP) and Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) discussed their participation at different stages in this process, demonstrating the extensive efforts in the lead-up to the preparations for OEWG 3.
Introduction to the documentation prepared for the third session of the ad hoc open-ended working group on the science-policy panel to contribute further to the sound management of chemicals and waste and to prevent pollution | 7 May 2024
To support delegates in their preparations for OEWG 3.1, this webinar provided an overview of all official meeting documentation, including the compilation of proposals for the foundational elements necessary to establish a science-policy panel:
- Scope, objective, and function of the panel
- Operating principles of the panel
- Institutional arrangements for the panel
- Evaluation of the operational effectiveness and impact of the panel
Draft text for procedures, policies, and guidance for the panel itself, which are outlined in annexes:
- Draft rules of procedure
- Draft financial procedures
- Draft process for determining the work program, including prioritization
- Draft procedures for the preparation and clearance of the panel deliverables
- Draft conflict of interest disclosure form
Proposals on the establishment of the panel and to give effect to its arrangements to be considered by the intergovernmental meeting.
The capacity-building function of the forthcoming science-policy panel to contribute further to the sound management of chemicals and waste and to prevent pollution: Lessons learned from existing science-policy interfaces and sharing of views | 11 April 2024
At its second session (OEWG 2), the working group requested the secretariat to prepare, in consultation with the Bureau, a webinar on the possible capacity-building function of the panel as well as a summary of views expressed through a related call for submissions, which ran from 18 August 2023 to 13 September 2023. This webinar session presented the results of a mapping conducted by the secretariat of capacity-building activities in the chemicals, waste and pollution space; lessons learned from the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES); and voices from government highlighting the broader landscape in which capacity building takes place. Two live sessions enabled real-time engagement with global audiences.
Road to OEWG 2
All Road to OEWG 2 webinars can be viewed here.
Briefing on the second session of the ad hoc open-ended working group on the science-policy panel to contribute further to the sound management of chemicals and waste and to prevent pollution | 28 November 2023
To support delegates in their preparations for the second session of the ad hoc open-ended working group on a science-policy panel to contribute further to the sound management of chemicals and waste and to prevent pollution (OEWG 2), this briefing featured presentations on the ‘skeleton outline’ of a set of proposals to be presented at OEWG 2 and the expected outcomes of the session.
Procedures for addressing conflicts of interest: Lessons learned from existing science-policy interfaces | 18 October 2023
This webinar took a close look at procedures for addressing potential conflicts of interest in science-policy panels. It featured presentations on approaches to addressing potential conflicts used by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), Technology and Economic Assessment Panel (TEAP) of the Montreal Protocol and the World Health Organization (WHO), and reflections from speakers with first-hand experience with following these procedures. The session aimed to inform and prepare governments, non-government stakeholders and other interested parties for discussion on conflicts of interest at OEWG 2.
Science-policy panel to contribute further to the sound management of chemicals and waste and to prevent pollution: Building the linkages from science to action | 9 October 2023
With voices from governments, global health (WHO) and global mercury management (Minamata Convention on Mercury) communities, this webinar solicited input on the forthcoming panel's relationship with relevant key stakeholders with a particular focus on the need to build linkages with science to support policy action. This webinar was an official online side event of the fifth meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Minamata Convention on Mercury (Minamata COP-5).
Options of engagement and participation modalities for major groups and stakeholders to the ad hoc open-ended working group on the science-policy panel to contribute further to the sound management of chemicals and waste and to prevent pollution | 26 September 2023
In recognition of the importance of engaging Majors Groups and other Stakeholders in the OEWG process, the secretariat organised this information session on participation and engagement modalities for Major Groups as well as the accreditation process to be granted observer status to the United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA) and its subsidiary bodies. All non-government stakeholders and other interested parties were invited to attend the session, which aimed to deepen and enhance the understanding of those engaging in the OEWG process on how to best participate and contribute to the work of OEWG and the future science-policy panel.
Right to science: Central to the future science-policy panel to contribute further to the sound management of chemicals and waste and to prevent pollution | 22 September 2023
This webinar provided a platform for discussion with the UN Special Rapporteur on toxics and human rights on the OEWG process and potential impact of the future science-policy panel on the right to science and the right to a clean, healthy and sustainable environment. It was part of the Toxic-Free Talks series, which took place from 20-22 September 2023 on the sidelines of the 54th session of the Human Rights Council (HRC54).
The 2021 Right to Science report of the UN Special Rapporteur on toxics and human rights provides valuable guidance for OEWG discussions as well as a benchmark for assessing the outcome of these negotiations, given that the right to science:
- Implies the availability and accessibility of accurate scientific information to the general public and specific stakeholders;
- Requires that governments correct scientific disinformation; and
- Implies an enabling environment where scientific freedoms may be realised and where governments foster needed scientific research on toxic substances that endanger human health and the environment.
Linking science and action using a life-cycle approach (health & mercury) | 9 October 2023
This side event of the fifth meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Minamata Convention on Mercury (Minamata COP-5) served as a briefing to the global health and mercury community about the OEWG process to establish an independent, intergovernmental science-policy panel to contribute further to the sound management of chemicals and waste and to prevent pollution. Panelists discussed the recent adoption of World Health Assembly resolution (WHA76) on the impact of chemical waste and pollution on human health, the relationship between the panel and multilateral environmental agreements including the Minamata Convention, and how civil society organisations such as the Zero Mercury Working Group (ZMWG) can contribute to the work of the future panel.
Linking science and action using a life-cycle approach (minerals & resources) | 6 September 2023
This event served as a briefing to the global mineral resources community about the OEWG process to establish an independent, intergovernmental science-policy panel to contribute further to the sound management of chemicals and waste and to prevent pollution. It provided an opportunity to explore synergies toward the goals of sound management of chemicals and mineral resources across their entire life cycle. A key focus of discussions was alignment with the Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management (SAICM) and the Beyond 2020 framework adopted at the 5th International Conference on Chemicals Management (ICCM 5): the Global Framework on Chemicals - For a Planet Free of Harm from Chemicals and Waste (GFC). This event was organised as a Lab at World Resources Forum 2023.
Global science-policy panels: Strengths and limits | 4 July 2023
Organised with the Geneva Science-Policy Interface (GSPI) Geneva Science-Policy Interface (GSPI) platform, this in-person event was part of the Geneva Summer School program. The session, Science-Policy Interfaces for Environmental Solutions: Learning to Span Boundaries, engaged directly with the next generation of researchers, policy professionals and civil society actors with practical advice from experts and practitioners working at the science-policy interface. Speakers discussed how existing science-policy interfaces work in practice, their respective strengths and weaknesses, and strategies, practices and skills to connect science with policy.
Building the linkages from science to action | 2 May 2023
This session brought country perspectives, particularly from developing countries, on the varied needs for building strong linkages with science to support policy action. Speakers from government, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) were invited to discuss how their respective institutions approached and managed interactions with key stakeholders including relevant Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEAs), academia, civil society and industry, as well as the instruments used to formalise these relationships. This was an official side event at the 2023 meeting of the Conference of Parties to the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions (2023 BRS COPs).
Developing operating principles of the science-policy panel on chemicals, waste and prevention of pollution | 26 April 2023
At its resumed first session (OEWG 1.2), the working group requested the secretariat to prepare a webinar focused on a set of draft operating principles for the forthcoming science-policy panel, to be considered at the group's second session. During this session, the secretariat presented a background document analysing the operating principles of other science-policy panels, and how these principles had been set out in the broader context of other rules, procedures and guidelines.
A formal call for submissions on operating principles from governments and accredited stakeholders ran from 26 April-6 June 2023.
Road to OEWG 1.2
All Road to OEWG 1.2 webinars can be viewed here.
Scope of the science-policy panel on chemicals, waste and prevention of pollution | 24 January 2023
In this webinar session, speakers discussed the possible scope of the panel, including horizon scanning and information sharing; the potential role of green chemistry; public health as an entry point for policy discussions on chemicals; healthcare costs as a policy lever; and regional partnerships and networks for collective efforts to address local waste management issues and share best practices.
Lessons learned for the science-policy panel on chemicals and waste and to prevent pollution | 5 October 2022
Hosted by the Green Growth Knowledge Partnership (GGKP), this session featured speakers from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES), International Resource Panel (IRP), Montreal Protocol and World Health Organization (WHO) to share insights and lessons learned from their respective science-policy panels and/or work on chemicals, health and safety.
Towards a science-policy panel on chemicals, waste and pollution prevention | 25 July 2022
Also hosted by the GGKP, this live broadcast formally launched the webinar and event series dedicated to the ad hoc open-ended working group (OEWG) on a science-policy panel to contribute further to the sound management of chemicals and waste and to prevent pollution. The session provided general background on the OEWG process, highlighted countries’ varied priorities on chemicals, waste and pollution, and discussed the role of science and academia in the modus operandi of the forthcoming panel. The panel discussion took place at the 2022 Helsinki Chemicals Forum.